Double Win

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Kim Sunoo's POV

The weekend came. I didn't come to school yesterday too since Sunghoon was attached to me me like a koala, not wanting to let me go and attend school to watch him train.

I couldn't say no to him, plus, school is just another boring thing in life, atleast for me.

9:00 am. It's only an hour away before Hoon's competition

Fuck, today is also the day I have to meet this unknown person.

Comfortable in my hoodie, I decided to shoot a text to that man, confirming if he will come later

"Uhm, hey" I texted him

"Good morning" it said

No, but why did my heart flutter with the little greeting

"gm! i just wanna ask if ure coming later?" I sent

Three dots appeared, showing he is typing. Then it disappears. Then it appears back again.

"yea ofc, I'll be there. Can't wait to see u" the other man finally replied

A smile formed in my face.

"Ey, I don't even know him yet! And someone out there is waiting for your answer...You can't be confused for two people!" I scolded myself in my mind, before planning on what to wear later on

I ended up choosing just an oversized yellow hoodie my mom gifted me years ago, and placed a black denim jacket over it. I paired it with my black jeans and white sneakers, finishing the look.

I looked at myself in the mirror and looked satisfied with the outfit.

"Uhm, hey, good luck later" I practiced in the mirror, imagining Sunghoon infront of me

Ah, no, that's too simple

"Now your lucky charm is here, make sure you win later!" I enthusiastically said

Shit, that would pressure him...

"I know you can do this" I exhaled, satisfied with those words of encouragement I can tell Hoon later

Whatever, I'll just go now. I only have 30 minutes to get there...

My phone started ringing when I am about to step out of my unit

"Hyung! Jake hyung says he will fetch you there, are you still at home?" Riki called and asked

"Oh really? Y-Yeah, I'm still at home. I am about to leave actually" I told him, exiting the door

"Great! Now just wait for Jake hyung's car, yeah? See youu" Riki said before he ended the call

I smiled, relieved that I will still have a free ride.

When we finally arrived at the venue, I felt my heart beating quickly. I am not really sure for what though.

I looked around and saw Jungwon and Riki waving their hands from afar

"Oh, there they are, you can go to them already" Jake smiled at me pointing at the two who already reserved seats

"Thank you for the ride hyung. Oh, where will you guys seat?" I asked, looking at the three guys who were with me during the ride

"Oh, just beside you guys too, we will wait for hoon to come out here first" Jay said, already looking for hoon

"Yeah, he came here earlier than us. He is probably already changing, he will meet us here later before he starts to skate" Heeseung informs me

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