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Kim Sunoo's POV

After that long ass test we had,  I looked at Riki from my seat, wriggling my eyebrows

He just looked at me with confusion

Once the bell rang, signalling for our next subject, I hurried towards Riki as our professor left.

"So," I looked down at him, who is silently sitting on his chair

"We aren't getting the results for the test until tomorrow hyung" He whined at me

"Ah, then I will not spill my tea too" I said back at him thinking I did something

"It's fine though, atleast I know it's about this famous, Lee Changmin" He whispered as he said his name

I just rolled my eyes at him, returning to my seat when our next professor came

"That's unfair" I mumbled under my breathe

Park Sunghoon's POV

I literally pushed Changmin away, not realizing I go to the same class as him.

He keeps getting on my nerves, asking about Sunoo until we arrived at our classroom

The other guys were also shocked, seeing us together, but I guess they didn't care for the most part.

"Yah, hoon" Heeseung, whose seat is just right behind mine, tapped my shoulder

"What?" I faced him, accidentally saying it in an irritated voice

"Oh chill bro, you don't get to get mad at me, you owe me o-" I cut him off immediately

"Okay okay, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come off as irritated" I apologized

"Why are you with Changmin? Is it why you look irritated early in the morning?" He asks

I eyed Changmin from quite far from my seat and saw him talking to his other guy friends

"Psh, obviously" I almost rolled my eyes

"He's after you?" Hee asks again, which made me slightly jump

"The fuck bro? That's disgusting, I wouldn't date a fucking playboy" I groaned, hearing those words from Hee made me want to puke.

Our professor arrived and soon, the classes began.

Kim Sunoo's POV

Lunch break came, I immediately returned my books to my locker to grab some lunch at the cafeteria

On my way to my locker, I remember promising Changmin to text him

"Ah, right" I whispered, stopping in the middle of the hallway to open his contact

"Wait, where is his contact? 'cutie guy i bumped into'?" I almost read the set contact name aloud

Gosh, at first glance, I knew he was the shameless type of guy. We're quite similar though.

I can't believe I developed this little crush on him the first time I set my eyes on him...

"hey" I decided to shoot him a text

"sup, who is this again?" it replied almost instantly

Gosh, doesn't he remember who he gave his number to? What the hell..

"Oh, right. I am Kim Sunoo, a fellow member of the Science club hehe I promised to text you, so here it is! Save my number alreadyy" I introduced myself and texted back

"Oh, my bad, I guess I have a bad memory" he replied with a laughing emoji

"So about the plans for our club, we can actually meet up later after school if you are free" I invited him

"Oh! That is perfect, we can then just share our ideas later to the members" he replied back

I just sent him a cheering sticker and placed my books inside my locker.

I walked back to the room to find Riki, but then I saw Changmin on the way.

"Min!" I called out

He looked at my direction with a smile on his face.

Oh my gosh, can he get even more handsome? I might faint at this point

"Hey, my Sunoo, do you want to talk about it over lunch instead?" he says as soon as he approached me

Did I just hear that right? He called me 'my Sunoo'? Oh my gosh lord I'm coming up.

Maybe I'll just text Riki that I can't go with him for lunch, he'll understand it. Same goes for Jungwon, they have been cheering on for my lovelife so maybe they won't go against him

I immediately agreed and went to the cafeteria with him

While walking, He swung his arm around my shoulders, just like how couples do. Wait, no, this is just a bro thing, right? We're friends and this is just a natural thing friends do.

I took a deep breath, he is too close to me right now, which I hope I could inhale his scent.

Oh. he wears this manly scent as well, but not as comforting as Sunghoon's.

Wait, what the fuck did I just... No!

My thoughts kept going on and on until we reached the cafeteria

Once we got our lunch, we sat at the very corner with only little students sit at.

I then received a text message

"Grabbed you lunch, I know you wouldn't eat again. At the usual place if you feel like eating" the unknown person suddenly texts me

I stared at the message for god knows how long

"Shit" I accidentally said out loud and internally face palmed myself

I suddenly remembered the confession I made to this man. Oh my gosh, I literally moved on from him ever since we stopped talking, now he is offering lunch? I don't think I can ever fully move on...

"Is there something wrong?" Changmin looked at me, sounding worried but his strong gaze at me doesn't change

"Ah, it's nothing" i tried to smile at him and faced my phone down

Changmin started discussing about what he liked to propose as our project for the Science club. I just kept nodding as if I am actually listening to him.

In reality, my mind is now beyond curious and just kept thinking of who might be behind that unknown number.

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