Planning pt. 2

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Kim Sunoo's POV

The past few days, I have not been feeling myself. After that call I made with the unknown person, I woke up and saw Wonie beside me.

I'm glad I was able to open up to Jungwon about the things I am feeling right now.

After the week filled with projects and activities, we finally got to plan for the club day. We were all busy.

I went out of the room the Science club was assigned to, to get some fresh air.

I felt like someone was approaching so I looked at the man's direction. Lee Changmin.

He looked innocent again, minus his small scar on his face which I just noticed.

He walked towards me, making eye contact. He looked as if he didn't harass me and traumatized me the past week.

"Hey" Changmin spoke in a soft tone

"D-Don't go near me" I shook and stepped back

"I won't do anything, I-I just want to say my last goodbye" He said and placed his hand on the railings of the hallway

I looked up at him. Goodbye?

"Before the officials decided to suspend me, I decided to just drop out." He told me

Wait, drop out?

"I have done a lot of things I shouldn't have for the past few years. My conscience was killing me, you know?" He laughed lightly

"You have those?" I angrily asked, pertaining to his 'conscience'

"You dropped out, yet you still showed yourself up here, right infront of me" I tried to contain myself from bursting

"I just wanted to apologize..." He looked at me

His eyes doesn't look sincere at all

"Yeah, I guess" I shrugged, not looking at me

He placed his hand on my shoulder

"Sunoo, please this is the last ti—" I was cut of when someone from behind pulled me apart

"Don't fucking touch him" A hand was wrapped around my waist as I collided with a man's body from behind

I felt my face heating up, recognizing the voice from behind

"It's you again, Park. Why do you always have to be in the scene? Are you, by any chance, stalking Sunoo?" His sincere tone faded and changed into his old cocky tone

I looked from behind and found him rolling his eyes.

I wanted to laugh but thought it isn't the perfect time to do so.

"I don't care what you have to say, get out of this school before I tell the principal to let him do the job instead" Sunghoon scared him, I can clearly see how his expression changed

"We're not done yet" Changmin said and walked out of the scene

"Are you alright?" He softly asked, his arms still around my waist

"Uhh, yeah, t-thank you. You can, uhm let go now" I shyly said and held onto his arms until he loosened it to release me

"I haven't seen you in a while, how's your club doing?" Sunghoon asked, carrying the conversation

"Uhm, it's doing great, we are actually planning on something fun for the Science club, so please do visit" I laughed at myself, noticing that I just promoted our club

He covered his mouth to laugh too. No, but why was that attractive?

"You too, you should definitely look forward to our club's activities" He looked at me as he gave me a small smile.

I dreamily looked at his face, carefully familiarizing his eyes, his moles, his lips. He does look handsome. It is my first time actually recognizing it, or maybe the first time I actually admitted it

"Sunoo!" I was startled when someone called me

"Uh- Yeah?" I whipped my head to the direction of the voice

"We kind of need your help, we were finding for you, I didn't know you were,.. talking to someone" Felix, the owner of the voice, teased me

"Shut up, let's go. Uhm, Sunghoon, thanks" I nodded my head at him as I watched him hide his smile

I went inside the room and saw the group of club members in a circle, so both me and Felix hurried to join them

"What do you need help with?" I whispered to him

"Planning of course, we need your bright ideas" He smiled at me

I just sighed and turned my attention to what the president of the club has to say

"So guys, we are planning for a photobooth, with Science-related props, and maybe we can add like a huge buzz wire game to be played by the other students. Do you guys have any more suggestions?" The president announced

I raised my hand as soon as I had an idea.


"What about a scavenger hunt? Maybe we can provide them a small map and they just have to find things that may also be related to Science" I suggested

Everyone agreed then to my idea. The others refused to add anymore activites as they considered the time left to prepare everything.

"Now that everything's settled, we can just divide ourselves and assign who's going to do for each activity" The president added as we all agreed to the plan

The day was busy, everyone was busy.

I was assigned at the scavenger hunt since I suggested it, so my team worked on that already, thinking of the things we can hide.

Our team decided to go out to plan where we can hide the things we have gathered.

At the far corner of the hallway, I can see the glasswall where the Glee and Dance club was practicing.

I tried extending my head to the room and caught a glimpse of Sunghoon, wearing his specs, writing something down. Oh gosh.

"Yah, Sunoo, you want to hide something in that room?" One of my members asked

"Could we though?" I asked them

"Yeah, anywhere just in this floor, I guess. Let's not make it too hard for the players" the shorter man smiled.

They led the way towards the end of the hallway. Why am I so nervous?

We knocked at the door, once, twice.

"Yes?" The door revealed the man I was just looking at earlier.

"Sunoo" my companion who knocked whispered

"Uh, Sunghoon, it's our club thing, uhm can we use this room to hide something?" I shyly asked, not looking directly at his eyes

"Wouldn't that be a give away when I try to go and do that activity?" He asked, leaning his arm at the door frame

He's right though... Why didn't I think of that before telling him?

"I guess we can keep it a secret from the others, then" I raised my eyebrows at him, trying not to react to the effect he had on me.

He just shrugged and let us in.

We are still planning though, we aren't really trying to hide things yet. We have to create a map too, so we are just observing for now.

We went out after examining the room. We then continued looking for other places we can possibly hide the things we have planned on hiding.

Fast forward to club day please, I can't wait.

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