A Lie

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Kim Sunoo's POV

My heart was beating so fast as soon as Riki called.

Fuck. My mom, m-my dad and my sister. They're j-just in the country.

"Fuck" I cursed under my breath as I ran away

"Sunoo! Slow down! You might get hurt!" I hear Sunghoon from far behind me

I slowed down when we finally reached the streets.

I felt a grasp around my waist, pulling me from behind

"Fuck, Sunoo. D-Don't ever run away like that again. Please." I heard him sob from behind as he hugged me.

Good thing that there are only little people around as the sun has already set.

"Hoon" I whispered in a shaky breath, my heart beating so fast due to the distance I ran.

"M-My family..." I whispered

He lifted his head up and looked at me from behind

"They are in the country. Far away from here. Hoon, my life has been a lie!" I whispered again, my throat starting to hurt because of my tears that are yet to fall.

I heard him let out a deep breath. He was catching his breath as well.

"D-Don't worry, I'll be here. We'll find them, yeah?" He softly whispered, assuring me

He softly caressed my hair from behind, trying to stop me from crying more

We sat at the waiting shed near the streets

"I'm tired" I whispered softly as I rested my head on his shoulder, my eyes almost giving up on me.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of you. I'll take you home" I heard him whisper to ears, until my eyes finally closed, feeling the peace I needed the whole day.

Park Sunghoon's POV

I lifted his head from my shoulder.

He fell asleep...

I tried carrying him, putting him on my back into a piggyback ride. I waited for a bus to bring him home.

Once we arrived at the next stop, I decided to just walk him to his condo, since it will only be minutes away anyway.

Once we got to his home, I gently placed him down on his bed, careful not to wake him up.

I took a good look on him.

Damn, imagining how much he is hurting right now just makes me want to drop all what I am feeling right now just to make him feel better, to remind him he isn't alone in this unfair world.

Yes, I am hurting as well, but I'm ready to put that aside. It can't be the both of us who's hurting. One of us must be strong, and that 'one' should be me.

Just looking at him having a peaceful sleep, my heart feels at ease as well.

He was breathing normally right now. I watched his chest slowly rising as he breathes.

"I'll protect you from this cruel world" I whispered as I parted his hair to the side, revealing his closed eyes.

Just observing him sleep, my tears started to pool in my eyes.

You don't deserve any of this.

Kim Sunoo's POV

I woke up, blinking as the light from my window blinded my eyes.

"Shit! What time is it?" I looked at my nightstand, searching for my alarm clock

I gasped when I saw another body in my bed

"Oh my fuck!" I panicked when I saw Sunghoon beside me, sleeping soundly

I then remembered sleeping on him on the waiting area right beside the streets. Gosh, he also took me home...

I bit my bottom lip, trying to stand up from my bed, the blanket still tangled between our bodies.

"You're off to school?" A raspy voice asked.

I cursed in my mind, still in the process of getting out of the bed. Okay, mission failed, he woke up!

I nervously laughed as I looked back at him

"Can you stay in bed for a while?" He asked, adjusting his position and patting the space beside him

"It's 10 am already, I advise you to not go to school anymore" he spoke again

"Hoon, it's not like I have a training that I can just ditch my classes like what you do" I told him, finally getting out of my bed, realizing I was still in my uniform

I heard him hum until he spoke again

"Just ask Riki to tell your proffesor that you will be supporting your boyfriend in his training. He wouldn't be able to focus if you aren't there. There, give that as an excuse, here, text Riki now" Sunghoon casually spoke and threw my phone at me which he just picked from my nightstand beside him

"Y-You're not my boyfriend!" I defended, feeling my cheeks heat up

"Yet. We're getting there anyways. Plus, it wouldn't be as convincing when you just tell them you're supporting a friend, don't you think?" He rose his eyebrows at me, persuading me to do it.

"Okay fine" I opened my phone, giving in to him. The bastard was smirking at me, gosh

"Then you have the audacity to call yourself the school's role model huh?" I teased back at him, in which his eyes widen at

I laughed at his reaction, my mind slipping off from the thought that it is, in fact, a school day today.

"After tomorrow, it's my competition. You're still coming?" He seriously asked after a few moments.

I have already sent Riki my message too. I told him to just tell the professor it was an emergency. Gosh, the things I do for this man in my bed...

"I will. I'm planning on meeting mister anon on the same day too. Same place" I wiggled my eyebrows at him, waiting for him to react

He just shrugged his shoulders, which I didn't expect him to react calmly to.

"Psh, sure. Goodluck" He said, not yet preparing to go to his training

"May I ask another favor too?" I added, breaking the dead air

"Can you come with me to find my family?" I looked at him with a hopeful thought

His intense stare softened when I mentioned my family.

"You don't even have to ask" He gave me a small smile and looked at me straight into the eyes

God, what did I do to deserve someone like him?

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