Chapter one loki's escape

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Thank you to iabsolutelylovekong for the amazing ideas!

Third POV
Just as Asgard was set to take Thor AND Loki he dissolved in to night. Leaving no traces of him even being there in the first place! But it was too late for Thor as Loki has timed it perfectly and before Thor could act he was back on Asgard.
The avenger were all shocked to see Loki disappear they were already searching around the site but it was also too late for them to do anything for Loki was already gone. To plan how to get him strath back from shield.
Time skip to the back at the base
( stark/avengers tower)
Everyone is all gathered around the meeting room waiting for fury.
Just as they were beginning to worry fury comes rushing (angerly)

Would some one like to explain to be just how we lost Loki! One of the biggest threats to earth with all of you idiots watching him! And now we don't have Thor as his stuck on Asgard! And as he told us before you all left to travel from here to there or there to here takes a lot of energy which takes a while to recharge!!!!!!!!
So if anyone has any ideas that's aren't from Clint of how he got past you!
Or even better where he is!!!!!

J was watching and recording. We watched back over it on the way here and we believe that after hulk smashed him into the floor but before we came back for him. We believe he switch places with a fake. And illusion of him that was down so well that we didn't even realize not even Thor.
J is just searching the rooms footage for the time after hulk smashed him. But he is also keeping an eye out for Loki.

He's found it.
(They all watch him get up and limp out of the hole where he then replaced him self with his illusion. He then turned him self invisible waiting for them to come back and arrest him.)

Has there been any sights of him yet J?

There has been mentions of people sighting him but no sir. But I am keeping an eye out for him.

Right so we no nothing apart form how he did it!
I need ideas people! What's he's next move going to be!

We know he needed his staff to control people so he could be going after that.

He might want revenge. If I was him I'd want revenge on the people that stoped me!

So we have two options but what's the plan. We need to capture him as soon as possible. The longer his out there the more damage he could be doing or the more he will be planning against us.
Any ideas people! But keep the idiot ideas to your self!

What is we set a trap.
Trick him Lore him out of hiding with the staff maybe stark could make a fake one. That would get him out of hiding as he would want it back but we could have. Couple of us "guarding" it which would give him the opportunity to get revenge

Good idea Clint.
Stark and Bruce/hulk and me could be the guards. As his staff didn't work on stark hulk smashed him in to the floor and me since I stood up against him in Germany He would definitely want revenge on us for that.
And then Clint and Natasha will be on stand by and you can have some teams waiting on stand by for our signal.

Jarvis had started the plans for a fake.
That's not a bad idea bird brain.

Stark How long should it take to make the staff?

It should take about a week but if we shuffle around some projects then 3 days sir.

You have permission to do what you need to do j. Just have it done as soon as possible.

Time skip to 30min later of the boring part of the meeting

So that's everything
Set and ready to go. We just waiting on you now stark.

Now all that's left is the staff stark.

Right that's everything. Dismissed everybody out of my office now!
Stark let me know as soon as it's done.

The plan is to use an abandoned wear house in the middle of no where with no other buildings with in 5,000 miles and no people with in 8,000 (it's in a desert)
To set it up with guards and so on to make it look like they are getting it ready to hold Loki's staff. And then after the fake staff have been set up. A jet/plane will fly the avengers along side it to the wear house. Making it look like they are guarding it while it gets locked up in the building. And then tony, Bruce and Steve will stay to "guard" it while Clint and Natasha will be hiding up keeping an eye out for Loki and watching the building while fury monitors the buildings readings for a spike which would be Loki.
The plan is then for tony Bruce and Steve to fight Loki and one or more of them will give a signal for Clint and Natasha to join the fight. And the same technology that kept Loki in the cage with go up around the building. Where Loki will then be arrested and locked away being guarded by the avengers awaiting Thor's return. But that if it all goes to plan. And since when is anything that easy and where's the fun in that!

Time skip to 2 and a bit days later

It's ready sir

Thanks j
Call pirate for me J

Of cause sir.
He is on line 12 sir

It's finished.
Is it All set your end?

Finally let's get Loki before he kills enough 82 people over two days.
Get the avengers ready be on the plane in 5 minutes or it's leaving with out you.

Beeeeep End of call

1033 words

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