Chapter seven

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What was you thinking!
Thank you again to iabsolutelylovekong for the amazing ideas!

No worry's little guy. Thanks. For telling me the truth!
Last question!
Can you tell me the date?

Little bruce
proud but self conscious

Thank you! You're been really helpful.

You did amazing little guy. I promised that if you answer the questions you could ask me any thing you wanted to.

I'm really sorry kid but I'm sorry but you deserve to know....
it not 1973
It's......... 2013

(Avengers assemble is 2012)
(Age of ultron is 2015)
End of recap

Shocked silence






Little Bruce
What?! What do you mean! it is 1973! It can't not be!

annoyed at Steve
Rogers can I have a words with you.

They both walk back over to Clint and Natasha.

What was you thinking Steve! You just tell a kid his not in the time he thought he was!
I might not have been great at asking him questions but at least I didn't nearly give the kid a break down!

Seriously Steve what was you thinking he's 4! No matter how smart he is he's only 4 and telling him that the year he thought it was really was 30ish years ago
(that's not 100% correct but I did it on purpose)
No Steve that not how you talk to a kid even fury knows that! And he's not exactly a fiuffy tedy bear he's made grown adults cry let alone kids!

Look Steve I told you I'd let you speak to him if I was there and you were careful since he's only 4!
You need to understand that you can't just come straight out with some like that! You don't tell a brown adult that this is not there time like that let alone a 4 year old kid!

I get I messed up I could have told him in a better way but when I woke up and sheiks trying to trick me into thinking it always still my time it just freaked me out more when I found out the truth! And we can't keep him away from all the changes

I get that cap but you still shouldn't have dibs what you did! We could get into some really bad trouble with fury for it!

We also don't know how Bruce is going to act to finding that out.

Don't worry about furry I'll take full responsibility.

while you guys sort that plan out I'm going to go check on Bruce and answer his questions for me!

Call if you want/need me.
Not giving them any chance to stop him he walks over to little Bruce again.

Hey little man!
I'm really sorry about my friend he wasn't meant to tell you like that. I was hoping we could slowly explain it not just jump in at the deep end.

Little Bruce
So it's true what he was saying? That this isn't where I was or thought I was?

(It's hard to come up with the questions)

I'm sorry little man but it's really not your time. It's 2013 I wanted to explain it to you.
Your adult self was in a lab accident a couple of years ago he would have been really badly injured but the accident creative someone called Hulk he saved Bruce. But he's apart of Bruce when he gets angry hulk comes out to protect him!
Your older self grows and goes green when it happens this is what he looks like!
(Photos of the hulk)

 But he's apart of Bruce when he gets angry hulk comes out to protect him! Your older self grows and goes green when it happens this is what he looks like! (Photos of the hulk)

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He's helped a lot of people ever since he was created.
Including myself he's saved me a lot. He saved me today actually that's how this happened. You know how Natasha asked you about Loki?! Well in 2013 he attacked earth and adult you along side me, Steve, Clint, Natasha, our Friend Thor Loki's brother! Clint and Natasha bods boss fury and a sacrifice from a brilliant friend. We fought him and won!
But there was a missal heading straight to New York right where we were fighting a lot of people were still in range so I fly it into the black hole that was made my Loki fit his Amy. Hulk caught me when I fell back down to the ground he also saved me by roaring which shocked me awake.
After the fight Thor planed to take Loki back to Asgard. We thought he made it back with Loki and something else but we found out recently that Loki never made it to Asgard. He was hiding on earth planing his revenge on us. After we learnt this we set a trap for him he used a sceptre to mind control people so we made a fake as bait it worked he came but he used clones of him self while the fought us the real Loki went and got the fake sceptre. When he came out and saw us fight he decided to try and attacked me while I was busy fighting his clones. He tried to control me in New York but it didn't work so he doesn't like me. But hulk saw this and pushed me out of the way saving me but getting hit him self. The next thing we knew adult Bruce was gone and you were in his place and Loki was gone.
But since speaking with you we think Loki is Being mind controls him self since you said his eyes are green but in all of our recent photos they are blue. The same blue as they people who was under the sceptre power eyes were!
I owe both Bruce and hulk a lot.
We are going to try and get in contact with Thor to see if he can help us or knows of someone who can help us get you back up your time and adult Bruce back here.

Little Bruce
So when I'm all grown up hulk saves me and I we then save other people?

I promise you Bruce i will find a way of getting you home!

Little Bruce
I believe you!

Thank you little man I really appreciate you trusting me!
Have you thought of your questions for me yet?

1,066 words

Leave a comment if there's a question you want him to ask Tony!

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