Chapter 3

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Where'd Bruce go?!
Thank you again to iabsolutelylovekong for the amazing ideas!

Third POV
As soon as hulk has pushed Ironman out of the way He got hit instead.
Hulk started to shrink and he was slowly loading his greenness. He continued to shrunk and lose the green of hulks skin even after he was Bruce again he considered shrinking until finally with a flash of green light where Bruce once stood not so long ago he had disappeared.
But before the avengers could over come their shock Loki's clone disappeared and Loki himself vanished in a swirl of green and gold.

Once the avengers got over their shock Ironman was the first to rush to where Bruce once stood. But when he got there hiding in the purple trousers of hulk was a little kid who looked a lot like Bruce!

Ironman shocked

Captained American
And what the hell does that even mean!

They all rush over to Ironman so they could see what made Ironman spear.

Ironman calm
Hey there little one. it's ok I'm not going to hurt you

Little kid hiding with the purple pulled up to cover him

Of cause little one I promise

Little kid holding up his hand
Pinky promise?

Pinky promise kid!
And I never break a promise!
(If I can help it. Or get a say)
What's you name? My names tony.

Little kid shy
Bruce! 🙂☺️😊

Ironman shouted
Guys come over here!

Tony calmly
Oh that's a cool name kid. Do you know your last name? Mines stark

Little kid
Thanks I like your as well! ☺️😊
Yep I'm a big boy it's banner! (All proud of him self)

Ironman head
Double σκατά

Get over here now!

Calmly while panicking inside
What a big boy you are and a cleaver one at that! Thats a great lasts name nice to meet you
Bruce banner!
Do you mind if ask how old you are little guy?

Little Bruce (proud of him self)
Me no little me  a big boy I'm 4!

Oh sorry kid my mistake you are a very big brave boy!
Can I call little guy or would you rather I didn't?
I could call you Brucie or brucie bear?

Little Bruce
Yer me big boy! 😁 giggles
(Shyly) I no mind (blushing) I like it when you call me that!
giggles🤭 I no mind you calling me that! 😃😁

Tony smiling
I'm glad you like my nicknames for you little guy! One last question ok! Do you know what the year is?

Little Bruce proud of him self
It's 1973! 

Thanks you little one. Your such a clever boy!

When the rest of the avengers  walk over they see Ironman crouching next to the purple material talking to it. They think he was just being weird and had snapped under stress and had gone crazy!
until they walk closer and see something moving and if they listen closely enough they could hear someone replying to Ironman and giggling!
Once they got closer they realised that it was actually a little kid!

Hey kid  you see those people over there (pointing at the avengers) those are my friends and I just need to have a quick chat with them and then I be straight back! Ok?

Little Bruce shyly
Promise your come back?

I promise little guy I'll be right back and I'll make sure you can see me the whole time ok!

Little Bruce sad shy

I'll be right back I promise won't be long!

Tony walked over to where the rest of the avengers where stand starring at the kid.

What the hell is that a kid!

Captain America
Do you know where they came from?

Black widow
Do you know if it's Loki or if they are working with/for Loki or even his Loki is controlling them?

Right before any of you say anything else!
Let me explain what I've learnt!
First of I asked if they knew their name
They said their name was Bruce. So I asked if he his last name and he told me it was banner!
So I then asked how old he was he said he's 4! I then asked what year he though it was. He thinks it's 1973!

The rest of the avengers were shocked in to silence for the fourth time that day!

Very funny tony. But what's his name?

We're just been over this Clint that is definitely Bruce banner!

Black widow
Yes stark you told us. But How do we know that he not working with Loki and is faking it all!

Tony looks at them as If go say are you stupid?
I'm genius for a reason! I got Jarvis to check if he matches.

How the hell is that meant to help! Stark "if" that is really Bruce none of your photos will match!

No they won't buy his eyes won't have changed that much and befor should say that the gamara might have i have videos and photos of him before and after getting hulk!

Black widow
That all well and good stark but Loki could be making him match Bruce or look like him to us!

Captain American
All do respect stark but nats right your fancy tech could be wrong. There no guarantee that tech is always right or will always work.

Tony way past fed up
Find then since no one believes me. Or trust me or my judgment. lets ask him some more questions that only the real Bruce will know! How about that?

It's not that we don't trust you stark it's just that we......
Nat a little help

But you don't have a great track record with people you trust. You know that!

You know what fine. you think my judgment can't be trusted you ask the kid then see how far you get. What do you think you should ask then

Quick little note!
I've try to find out what year Bruce mum was killed or how old he was when it happen but I can't find much information on it. So if you do know or have a ruff idea feel free to comment. But for my story I'm going to say she was killed a couple weeks after Christmas of 1972. So about February 1973. By the way this is Bruce date of birth 18 December 1969 so Bruce would have already turned 4. And the date Bruce of where Bruce came from was 1973 September 5th.
Also warning abuse mentioned
Also slight argument between team mates

1113 words

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