Chapter 8

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Bruce's questions! Part 1
Thank you again to iabsolutelylovekong for the amazing ideas!

Thank you to the person who commented on  with the idea that Bruce commented
"what if he asked them if he hurt anybody as the hulk. And then they ether have to lie to him maybe or tell the truth and then he gets really sad."
I love this idea and will definitely be using it

Little Bruce
So when I'm all grown up hulk saves me and I we then save other people?

I promise you Bruce i will find a way of getting you home!

Little Bruce
I believe you!

Thank you little man I really appreciate you trusting me!
Have you thought of your questions for me yet?
End of recap

Little Bruce
I get I've saved people but hulk looks really big. have I hurt anyone?

internal panic
You really don't pick an easy or simple question to start with did you little man!
How the hell do I tell this 4 year old kid he's hurt people by accident!

Before I answer this is want you to understand some people don't like hulk they see him as a monsters.
But he's not hulk is a loving amazing guy he's saved my life many time he's saved so many people but sometimes people only see what they want to see and they don't want to understand it if it's not "normal" if it doesn't fit there "normal".
There's a high ranking guy in the army that all he wants to see is a big green raging monster because that's what he wants as if he can defeat the "monster" then he's a hero. So he chased hulk all over the work with a group of army people following them.
Where ever you stay for how ever long you stayed you hero people you offered medical help to people that couldn't get help. You couldn't stay in one place for long because of the army following you. You managed to stay ahead of them more often than not but every so often they would catch up with you.
Acutely before I continue do you mind me saying you or would you rather I said bruce?

Little bruce
I don't mind you calling us you. I think it would be weirder to him you call older me bruce.

Ok thats fine I just wanted to check.
Back to what I was saying you managed to keep in front of them a lot, but every now and then they would find you.
The difference between you and hulk vs the army is you cared about casualty you didn't want innocents getting hurt so you always tried to lead them away from people but the leader did care he would just order them to shoot you not caring or worried about hitting anyone else or sometime buildings would collapse. You ALWAYS try to save anyone you can but sometimes you can't save everyone it just not possible no matter how much we try or want to.
I wish I could tell you no ones gotten hurt or killed but I can't what I can tell you though is that you haven't hurt people I can tell you that you always did your best.
I can promise you little man you helped so many people. You've changed so many peoples lives for the better. I can also promise you that we all have the ones you wish you could have saved. I used to sell weapons to the army who used them to protect them self but bad people got ahold of my weapons and hurt the people I was trying to help protect!

Little bruce
Sad but understands
So I've never hurt anyone my self? People have gotten hurt but not because of me?

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