Chapter nine

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Bruce's questions! Part 2
Thank you again to iabsolutelylovekong for the amazing ideas!

Little Bruce
I'm sorry about your parents! And I'm sorry he turned out to not be a good guy but then if you had known sooner you would never have been an amazing superhero! I'm glad your ok

Thank you little man but it's ok it happened a long time ago.
Thank you I just wish I knew soon but then as you said I wouldn't be who I am now if it didn't happen.
Ok next question little man!?

Little Bruce
How did we meet?
End of recap

Hmmm let me think..... we'll we meet a couple times at different place as scientists we may specialis in different fields but they over lap some time that was before we became heroes!
I would have to say it was when we were talking (fancy/technical) (English) science.
4 years ago thor was set to earth as punishment to learn from his mistakes. He did but this was when we found of that there are a lot more people out there then we thought.
A year after this Loki appeared out of no where after something which he got but he had a Scepter that allowed him to control people which allowed him to take what he wanted.
He had a plan to rule earth at least that what he told us.
You see Clint over there he was one of the first people to fight Loki but he lost and so Loki control of him and a bunch of others. Clint's boss was there but managed to get away with some help from a couple others people who got away as well. He had this plan that if the world ever needed protecting, then he would put together a team of superhuman/superheroes together. They would be called the avengers!
So he called us all in from all over the world I was in New York, Nat was somewhere on a mission she was called back.
Natasha was the one who brought you to the base. We all met together for the first time on the base me and you hit it off immediately. I didn't care about how others saw the hulk, I see him as someone who saved an amazing friend, guy, kind, brilliant mind! And hulk in his self was amazing he's so young yet always tries his hardest to help people and protect you!
Most people when they first met you they would act weirdly to you both they were scared but that wasn't it. I would provoke hulk to come out knowing full well you both wouldn't do that. But no one agreed with me so they all got a bit funny with me but you stood up for me. Not a lot of people would and those that do. Rarely have they known me for as short of time as you had. You had know me for not even a day but you stood up for me! That showed me just who you guys really were!
Together we worked on trying to find the tesseract which is what Loki came to earth for. We had captured Loki and he was on the base with us, but Unknown to us this was his plan he blew up the engine and did a lot of damage and his staff was with us which we didn't know was egging us on which caused us to argue.
But anyway Loki escape although we got Clint back! We figured out where Loki was and went to fight him during Loki's attack on the base you hulked out trying to protect yourself's and you got thrown by accident off the flying base so you meet us there.
It was in New York on top of my newly built tower that he set up his portal for his army. We fought as a team and managed to defeat them. When we went to try and turn of Loki's portal machine we found out there was a missile heading that way so I flew it into the portal. When I came back down my suit had powered down and the thing keeping my heart healthy(ish) and working had stop but hulk managed to shock me back! You saved not just my life but so many peoples life's that day! You also help reduce people who got trapped from the fight after we had defeated all of Loki's army.
Thor took Loki and the tesseract back to Asgard but he joins us when he can. We all went are separate ways for a while some of us stay together but not all together.
After I rebuilt my tower and we all moved in. We became really great friends. Not many people have look passed what other people say about me to find out the truth for them selfs but you did! You didn't care what they though or said you put time and effort into finding out about the real me. Not what the media sees me as.

Any questions little man?

Little Bruce
So dose that mean we are really good friends?

It does I would happily call you one of my best friends.

Little Bruce
I'm glad you my friend!
Am I friends with the others?

You are. Once we all moved in together we all got really close we are all friends now. We even do movie nights and game night when we can. We actually take turns cooking dinner.

Do you have anymore questions for me?

Little Bruce
What's it like being a hero?

949 words

Sorry for this being slightly short but I'm running out of time to upload it and I felt like here was a good place to end this chapter. won't be uploading the first two weeks of September as there is a lot going on then for me. It my birthday it a family friends birthday same day as me it's meant to be my grandparents wedding anniversary on my birthday but my Nan passed away at the beginning of the year so it's the first one with out her and my first birthday with out her. And since I have a lot of health issues a lot if stuff is going on with that. That's all just the first week. The second week is my mums birthday I'm making some cake with my dad for her and then after that I restart my education stuff. It's also my partner wedding anniversary the day before. And since it's birthdays/anniversary we will be celebrating so I don't think I will have time to do any writing but if I do I will but I can't promise anything.
I know someone mentioned a while ago about how I always put the writing in the middle and that being confusing so I've left the story alone this time it just something I like do but it save me having to do it 3 time if you guys don't want me to.

Again if you have any ideas for questions for little Bruce to ask Tony then let me know!
Or even one of the others if you want!

My other question so far are
What's it like being a hero
It it much different now then it is in my time?
I feel like a genius would ask that.
What happened to my dad?
1251 words

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