Chapter 4

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We do trust you we just don't believe you

Thank you again to iabsolutelylovekong for the amazing ideas!

Third POV
No . We trust you to talk to the kid Tony that's not what we are saying.
Any ideas on what we should ask the kid?

Well what's his mums name?

It's Rebecca Banner. Bruce told me a little while ago. His dads name is Brian Banner. But don't mention him he was a really horrible father to him. And he killed Bruce mum in front of him when he was around this age.
Bruce told me about it one late night in the lab he also said no one knew about his dad killing his mum. And even if someone some how did they wouldn't know the date and other info Bruce dose. We were talking about childhood and just random thing.

perfect let's ask that then. If no one else would know.
That's decided then that's what you should asked the kid then stark.

Oh no I'm not going how be the one asking if you guys don't trust me or my judgment then one of you ask him. See how far you get!

Really! Fine then Nat you go.

Natasha a knowing look in her eye
Clint should go he the best of the two of us with kids

Clint giving Natasha the evil eyes
Fine I'll go ask the kid.

Back over with the kid
Little Bruce thoughts
I wonder what they wanted to talk to tony about!!
He seems familiar I like him he makes me feel safe.
Tony don't look happy I wonder why? What did they do to make him sad/angry

Skip to Clint walking over and walking  to the kid hiding in the purple clothe.

Hey kid my names Clint what's yours?

As he walks closer

Little Bruce scared screams
Nnnnnnoooooo leeeve me along!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want Tony!!!!!!!!!!

Back over with tony
If he's the better one out of the two of you. I would hate to see you.
Aw he wants me 🥰☺️

Ok I'll stay here I won't come any closer.
Star I mean Tony's only over there ok little guy?

Little Bruce 
Only tony allow to call me that.

Clint thoughts
This is going so well 🙄 (not really)
Can I ask you some questions?

Little Bruce

Do you remember your mums name?

Little Bruce screaming

Third person POV
As little Bruce finished screaming at Clint for the third time
Tony intervenes

That's enough get back here Clint let's not traumatiz him anymore then he's  already from that little show of your skills with kids.

As Clint walks toward to the rest of them they decide who will try next.

Why don't you go next Nat? I know you said that Clint is the better of the two of you but Clint to scare him more. Though I'm not sure why.

Tony  not looking happy
Probably has to do with him being a male and Bruce's  dad kills his mum in front of him. 😑 or the fact he abused/abuses him as a little kid.

No offence tony but we don't know for sure if his dad even did any of the things your saying he did. Bruce didn't tell us that and it's not in his folder.

Tony not impressed
He didn't/wouldn't want it in his folder for anyone and everyone to read. But who ever we send in next I'm going with them but I won't be asking the question.

Are you sure about this Steve?

(he rejoin the group while tony was talking)
It's true what Nat said, I'm the better one with kids out of the two of us.

Steve stressed and worried
I get that and I understand and if you really don't want to then I won't make you but Clint you obviously scared him more then anything else. and you Nat please don't take this the wrong way
(aka don't kill me or injure me or make me wish I was dead)
but you "look" the less scary looking

Nat not happy and looks like she will murder Steve
You better finish's that sentence in a better way Steve or you and I need to have a PRIVATE conversation.

Steve hurriedly
out of us all even though you are the most deadly. Your also the go to person to get information.

because she tortures a lot of them or threatened them to get it and she a Manipulative queen!  But also well done on your save there I don't think she's going to kill you anymore!

Yes I'm sure Nat your perfect for the job! And if what Tony is saying is true about his dad then you should hopefully put him at a little bit more comfortable.
And that what I mean!

(They all stars at him as if to say do we need to be concerned about the kid)

I don't mean torture the kid guys!

(They look slightly more calm but still concerned)

And I don't mean Manipulative him but that skill might mean you word it in way that makes him more keen to answer them.

Natasha deep breath
Ok. Steve I trust you I'll give it a go buy just remember I warned you and Clint and tony trie to warn you.

Come on then stark let's get this over with.

I'm really sorry if the way I'm writing the character in this chapter upset you or annoy you it just fits with how I'm planing the next couple of chapters.
I actually love them all.. I find captain American a little tricky to write but I try my best he's also not  not my favorite out of all of them but I still love them all but if I wrote them like that it wouldn't work for my idea so please keep that in mind.
I'm sorry to anyone who is here to see Steve asking questions this chapter it just hasn't worked out like that.

1021 words

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