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Don't know if anyone saw the last note? As I said in it I've taken it down since I upload the chapter but I'm still not sure  what you guys would like me to do. If I've not finished a chapter in time would you want what had so far or would you prefer to wait for full update?

I just want to say I'm really sorry for not uploading on the 15th (July 2021) half of last chapter (Is no one going to mention it!)
was written but I wasn't sure if you guys would prefer to wait longer with nothing till the 22nd or have what I had so far and then at least while you waited you had something.
I want to explain a little why I was late with this chapter.

Firstly since September 2020 I have been doing an art course which is a B-tec (online) it's a two year course. The first half is 17 tasks plus stop motion and 3 health and safety. Just to give you a bit of an idea of how much work one task is, on two days of the week in school term I join an online class tends to be for four lessons but can be more they are an hour long. I also do creative writing every over week on the same day ever week I do maths although if I pass my maths then it will be the day I don't have creative writing the every week after my online class I have an art tutor. That means that from 2pm till 6ish im doing art/writing about art/looking at artist/doing research on artist. And on the weeks I don't have creative writing I have photography lessons.
The amount of work involved in just one task is a lot. As an example one of the task is a charcoal self portrait along side the main drawing I also had to do tests and trials as well as thumb nails (small practise drawings/sketches)
The two task before that was self portrait photography in both colour and black and white. And the charcoal task I did a painted self portrait for colour self portraits. But the charcoal portrait drawing (A3) took me about a month and my charcoals didn't look good if you put it straight on the paper so 90% was done with brush's (3 makeup ones and 2art ones) 8% was different rubbers and 2% was charcoal pencils. But I also had to try different colour papers so that was 4 and on these I had to do test with my charcoal stuff. I also had to draw an eye, nose, lips and ear one on each colour. After this I had to do thumb nails sketch's (just small little drawings/tests) I did some digital and two in charcoal although on one it was a couple in one. I then had to do a lot of writing on it and it's 10 pages on PowerPoint.
One task landscape photography has 19 pages. And all 3 health and safety together are 19 pages. Another task I had to study an artist call Paul cezanne. So I had to paint a part of three of his paintings after that I had to take photos of my own that was his style. I then had to do two tests of that photo then finally the final piece.
Stop motion was 4 different kinds of stop motion
Claymation (Things like plasticine), Pixilation (this the only one where humans are seen), cutout motion (this is more 2D things like paper and material) and model motion ( you use things like toys or objects around the house I used scooby doo Charterers)
One of my claymation was a pink person jump facing then getting squish then reshaped and gose back up the other on was just a red ball being dropped getting squished then going back up then a blue one does the same before they both do it. I used wire to keep my fingers away as much as possible so I then had to edit it out. My pixilation was my hands cutting open a paint tube filled with bright orange paint and buttons I squeeze some out and then paint a little. The idea is the buttons are the paint so on top of the brush is a button hiding the paint. Cutout was a big dog knocking their owner over and giving them kisses. Inspired by my little fluff ball.
Finally I did the model one I did the gang following different tracks in the snow (I made two little magnifying glass from wire black paint and glue.) shaggy and scooby come from the other direction finally shaggy pets scooby.
But they are really short but took along time, but the reason why this has delayed this chapter is Thursday the 15th of July was the last day my tutor is in till the second of September. But the get to the second half I have to have passed this part.
I had to finish health and safety upload 4 task all but one was just writing. But I managed to do it and I submitted it all late Thursday morning!!!!
Not so much a reason but still wanted to mention I did a maths exam near Easter. My Easter holiday was practicing since I had 4 papers to do. I get my results in august so I'm really excited/nervous.
Secondly I haven't mentioned this in this story but I have in my other story. I have a lot of health issues which did mean I lost a lot of early school years. Which is why I'm not great at spelling or punctuation. I taught my self how to read though audio books and having the booking in front of me I followed along.
But back to my health issues I was born with them and there is no current cures out there and probably won't be for a LONG time. They are rare so not a lot of people have heard of them which means less research has been put into them. Anyway I better stop that there other wise I will end up ranting. Since I'm legally an adult after my birthday in September me and my family are trying to get everything thing into place. It not going great. People are idiots sometimes.
Which is stressing us all out. I don't have great ways of dealing with it I have recently got some fidget "toys" to help and so far they are. But something I don't often talk about is I do have mental health issues which combined with my high stress levels are not helping me.
But these story give me something else to think about so I definitely won't be stoping anytime soon unless the story ends.
Also only my friend total_dream (wattpad) knows I write this so I really only write at night before I go to sleep although I'm editing and writing some of these at 9pm which is early for me normal times are any where from 11pm to 1am.
Most of this story is written on my phone a little bit done on an iPad and then the end of the note was on my laptop.

Also I do want to say my other story avengers soulmate doesn't have a posting schedule I upload it as I work on it so each time I add to it I upload it so this is my second story but the first with a schedule. Also on Wattpad the original version of avengers soulmate got taken down so I had to re-upload 3 chapters to see if it would be taken down.
Anyway thank you to anyone who read this long note.

I do have two questions
First one
Is it hot where you are? There's been a bit of a heat wave where I live depending where I look tomorrow (Friday 22/07/21) it's meant to be around 22-24* which I know is not SUPER hot but average temperature is 18-25 but in the Sunday the 17th it was 26.8 was the average temperature of the day but was between 30-19. I'm not brilliant in the heat it was too hot to want to do anything.

Second question
Dose anyone see my conversations post?
I'm never sure if it works as in my announcement that I did it.

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