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A Scary creepy black mansion is shown let's peep into it and see what's going on

A beautiful lady entered through the door and all the vampires present there turn towards her and bowed their head down and greeted her by saying " WELLCOME VAMPIRE QUEEN " she just said "hmm" she went and sat on her throne and from the side table she took a glass full of blood and by sipping it she told To the vampire Minister
" Bring that bloody culprit in front of me" and the minister said "yess Queen

After sometime few vampire soldiers bring that culprit in front of the queen and she said "why did you did that haan Why did you killed that innocent soul who had not Done any mistake" The culprit spoke " Queen he didn't Accepted my proposal And offended me and by that my ego got hurt that's the reason behind Why I killed the person" The Queen spoke again " ohh so your ego is greater than a person's life you bloody bastard don't you know that rules of Our vampire kingdom" angrily roared at him to which he gasped and started stammering Before he could speak anything in his defence the Queen again spoke "Don't you dare to open your bloody mouth and you are going to hang to the death" The culprit fell on his knees and said to the Queen " Queen please I beg you please leave me I will not do this again I promise please please Queen leave me" spoke spoke again "Stop begging Mr.sunny salavator I am not gonna To spare you you had broke the rule of the kingdom so you are going to punished take your punishment soldiers drag him into the death room"
Soldiers drag him into the room and hanged him to the death

After sometime a soldier came to the vampire Queen said said
Soldier:- Vampire Queen God mother had told U to go to home and meet her urgently She has something important to talk with you
Queen:- (in mind) What is so important that she have to talk to me right now so urgently (outside) yeah I am going(To the Vampire minister) minister you handle here I Will come back in sometime


Hey guys here is the first chapter for you

Hope you liked it

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1) Who is godmother???
2) what do you think why did she called the Queen ?????? (Make a guess)
3) Who is the Queen????(ik yeh question ka ans aap sab log sahi hi denge)

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