Chapter 1

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Kiyoko sat on her bed holding the envelope to her chest. She was exhausted but knew that she wanted to read the letter. It smelled like lavender, just like her grandmother, she felt a warm tear run down her cheek.

The small, cheery and loving lady had died just a week before and today was the day that she was laid to rest. It had been a long day as everyone had gathered at her home after the burial and they had spent hours talking about her, they laughed and cried at the stories told and recalled memories of her that they would cherish forever.

Kiyoko had decided that she needed some alone time so went outside, she always knew that she was her grandmothers favourite as she was her only granddaughter. She did have 4 grandsons but they had a special bond, she taught Kiyoko how to bake and sew and other useful crafts and they spent alot of time sat on the wooden bench in her garden under the cherry blossom tree.

She didn't realise that it had started to go dark until she felt a light tap on her shoulder. As she looked up she saw her father, he looked tired but he had just buried his beloved mother, "Hi honey we are going to leave shortly but your grandmother left this envelope for you, she wanted you to have something special." She could feel the tears again but decided that she wanted to open the letter in her own room away from everyone.

When she eventually got home she looked again at the envelope and began to open it. She saw a note and her grandmothers necklace, she had always worn it and Kiyoko had hoped that one day it would be hers. The necklace was a small silver heart with a Ruby centre on a delicate silver chain, she raised it to her lips, kissed it and then put it over her head. Kiyoko knew that it was going to be hard to read but she knew she had to.

Kiyoko opened the note and read -

My dearest Granddaughter

I'm sorry that I had to leave you but I want you to know that I will watch over you and keep you safe. We have always had a special bond, more so than you actually know. You share a gift with me which means that you are actually able to see peoples soul mates.

You need the necklace to help you see the connection. However if you touch one of the soulmates you will be able to hear their thoughts for a short time. If you don't see them with anyone it just means that they haven't met their soulmate yet, but they will. Everyone does eventually.

You can help them get together but you must not tell anyone about your gift or tell the couple that they should be together.

It's a gift that will enable you to help people, something which I always loved doing. I actually got your mother and father together and it was the second happiest day of my life. The first was the day that you were born.

I will always be here for you, my beautiful girl. I love you with all of my heart and I am so very proud of you. We will meet again.

Your loving grandmother

Kiyoko sobbed when she finished reading the note but she also felt excited about what was to come next. She looked at the clock beside her and saw that it was 11:30, she needed to sleep as Takeda Sensei was picking her up at 6:00 to go to the training camp. All of the others had made their way there today so she laid down, closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

 All of the others had made their way there today so she laid down, closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep

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