Chapter 11

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Kageyama sat alone outside of the gym, on a bench under a large tree. He was still reeling following the realisation that he had feelings for the small tangerine. How did this happen, he thought, he knew that these feelings would be problematic but he didn't know what to do.

The silence was broken by a sudden, "Yahoo, Tobio chan". Shit, he thought, I can't deal with this at the moment, however when he looked up he saw Iwaizumi, so he felt a little better. "Hi Iwaizumi san, Oikawa san, what are you doing here?

Iwa was the first to answer, "you did really well today and your partnership with Hinata is amazing." "Yes you and chibi chan have a very special bond", Oikawa smirked. Kageyama looked at him confused but he realised that Oikawa had meant that sentence in a different way and it wasn't very wholesome.

The dark haired setter blushed profusely, both of the older boys noticed which made Oikawa laugh loudly, "oh my Iwa chan our Tobio chan is growing up so quickly". "Shut up Kawa, Iwa ordered. Why don't you go and get our futons ready babe whilst I have a little chat with Kageyama". "Ok babe", Oikawa replied whilst walking in the direction of Aoba Johsai sleeping quarters.

 "Ok babe", Oikawa replied whilst walking in the direction of Aoba Johsai sleeping quarters

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"I just wanted to ask you if you have a crush?", Iwa asked. "Err, no", Kageyama replied but Iwa could tell that he was lying. "I'm not going to force you into telling me what you don't want to. I just want you to know that I'm here if you want to talk" the older boy explained. "It's Hinata", Kageyama blurted out, he looked shocked that the words had so easily tumbled from his mouth.

"I knew it", Iwa sad dramatically, "you need to tell him". "I can't the younger boy explained getting redder by the minute. The boys parted ways and the spikey haired boy picked up his phone and dialled a number. It rang for a little while and just when he was going to put the phone down he heard, "hello", in a soft voice.

"Hey Kiyoko, you were right. He's obviously head over heels for his partner". "I knew it," she replied, "thank you Iwaizumi for eveything". "It's fine Kiyoko, I'm happy to help but what are you going to do now?"

"I'm going to get them together", she replied smiling whilst Iwa put the phone down.

Kiyoko rang the next number to see if the Nekoma setter had managed to get any information from the small middle blocker.

"Hi, Kenma, it's Kiyoko. Did you manage to get any information from Hinata about Kageyama?" "Yes I did, but I'm freaking out" the blonde setter said, obviously extremely nervously. "Why what happened", she asked. "When I was trying to get the truth from Shoyo I admitted to having feelings for Kuroo, just as Bokuto walked in and heard everything that I said. I know that they are really good friends so I know that he'll tell him. I'm mortified". By this time Kenma began to hyperventilate.

Kiyoko tried to calm the small boy down, "Kenma just breathe, leave Bokuto to me and try and not worry too much, it's obvious that Kuroo really cares about you so I don't think that there's anything to worry about." The dark haired girl eventually managed to calm him down and told him to rest for the evening.

Hinata was talking to Lev and Yaku when he got a message from Kiyoko. "Hi Hinata, could you go to the storage locker and pick up one of the spare futons for me". He replied, "yes of course Kiyoko 😁, I'll be right back".

At the same time she messaged Kageyama, "Hi Kageyama could you please go to the storage locker and pick up one of the spare futons for me?" He replied, "Ok".

What the boys didn't realise was that Kiyoko was waiting for them to arrive. Hinata was the first one there and walked to the back of the storage locker, minutes later Kageyama arrived. "Oi boke, what are you doing here?" "I could ask you the same thing Bakayama". All of a sudden the door slammed shut and the door was locked. "Heyy, help we're in here", both boys shouted. They both tried to message their team mates to get them out however what they didn't realise was that all of the Karasuno team were in on it.

After about 30 minutes they decided to rest for a bit as no one seemed to be replying to them. Both of their phones pinged at the same time. Hinata received a message from Iwa" Kageyama likes you" and Kageyama got a message from Kenma "Hinata likes you". They both looked at each other wide eyed. Kageyama asked, " why does Kenma think I like you?", the small tangerine blushed furiously. He found his voice and replied, " why does Iwaizumi san think that you like me?" Kageyama looked like a tomato.

All of a sudden they heard Suga shout, " we know that you have feelings for each other, just admit it.

All of a sudden they heard Suga shout, " we know that you have feelings for each other, just admit it

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"I like you boke, wanna go out", Kageyama asked. "I like you too Bakayama and yes I would love to", Hinata replied.

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