Chapter 27

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The coach gathered everyone together in the gym. There was a map of the area on one of the walls. "We're going to split up and do a thorough grid search. You will be given supplies and copies of the map showing your individual areas". They split into teams Kiyoko went with them whilst the other girls stayed behind to make meals and keep in touch with the police.

They had been searching for ages to no avail and Kiyoko was getting more and more upset as the time passed. They returned to the gym at lunch time to get more supplies, eat and rest for a little while. The coaches and Captains stayed out searching whilst the vice captains made sure that everyone was fed and ok to go on.

Noya was also extremely upset. Where could his bro be? Luckily he had Asahi. He felt bad that he had this gorgeous, caring man whilst Tanaka was suffering alone.

 He felt bad that he had this gorgeous, caring man whilst Tanaka was suffering alone

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Flashback to 8 hours earlier -

Tanaka couldn't take anymore everyone was finding happiness with a new partner except him. People thought because he laughed and joked alot that he didn't have feelings they just thought he was a simp for Kiyoko and that he wasn't as serious about her as he let on. It hurt alot. He kicked a stone to release some of his anger but he slipped and fell into a ditch.

When the boy went to stand, the pain was excruciating and he couldn't put any weight on his foot so he knew that he had damaged something in his ankle. It was also getting colder as the minutes turned to hours. He tried to shout for help as he had smashed his phone in the fall but no one shouted back.

The sun eventually rose and he shivered as he had been so cold being out all night and the throbing in his ankle was just getting worse. 'Oh well, he thought, at least Kiyoko doesn't have to think about me anymore. She can be left in peace.
Tanaka suddenly heard shouting in the distance, "Hey, hey, hey baldie can you hear us" shouted Bokuto followed by "Ryuu, it's Daichi, make a noise if you can hear us".

Tanaka tried to shout but nothing was coming out and then he heard Kiyoko, "Ryuu, please if you can hear me please shout, I'm really worried about you". He could tell be the sound of her voice that she had been crying so he tried again with all of his might.

"KIYOKO, KIYOKO I'M HERE". The group ran into the direction of his voice and eventually found him. Ukai called the 'search and rescue people to get him out of the ditch and on to the hospital. Takeda, Ukai and Kiyoko went with him while the others went back to the camp to give everyone the good news.

Kiyoko stayed all night at the hospital with Tanaka and when he confessed to her she accepted it and they decided to give it a try to see if they could have a relationship. He was released the day after on crutches as he had fractured his ankle. As they arrived at the camp they noticed everyone was packing as they were due to go home.

The trip had been worthwhile as teams mixed with other teams and not to mention there was 23 new couples. The newest ones being Kiyoko and Tanaka and the most shocking one being coach Ukai and Takeda sensei.

They said their goodbyes to their new friends whilst Ennoshita, Yamaguchi and Goshiki kissed their boyfriends goodbye just for the time being and returned to their schools

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They said their goodbyes to their new friends whilst Ennoshita, Yamaguchi and Goshiki kissed their boyfriends goodbye just for the time being and returned to their schools.

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