Chapter 2

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Kiyoko yawned quietly as they turned into the training camp and as they pulled up to the main entrance she saw Yachi smiling at her. The small blonde opened the car door and jumped on the older girl hugging her tightly. "Are you ok Kiyoko san?" Yes thank you Yachi I'm ok. Can you show me to our room?" "Yes no problem. We are sharing a room with Yukie and Kaori from Fukurodani", Yachi explained. "That's fine, they are both nice girls so we should have fun."

Once she had dropped her things off she went into one of the practice courts where Karasuno were currently playing against Nekoma. During the break the boys ran towards her. "Kiyoko, we've missed you, are you feeling ok shouted Noya and Tanaka. "I'm fine, thank you guys," she smiled. This seemed to have appeased them a little and the boys ran outside 'to mess with the first years' when Suga came over and gave her a hug.

She suddenly saw a flash of Daichi and Suga kissing each other and she gasped. "Is something wrong Kiyoko"? Suga asked looking concerned. "No I'm fine Suga, thank you". Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Daichi was staring at Suga and in her head she heard his voice saying, (how am I going to cope for the next two weeks being so close to him? God I want him so bad) Daichi eventually noticed that Kiyoko was looking at him with her mouth gaping open. "Are you ok Kiyoko", Daichi asked. "I'm fine, thank you" she replied. She turned to the grey haired boy and stated "Suga I think Daichi wants you" she noticed a pink blush rise on his face then she heard, (I wish) but his mouth hadn't moved.

 She turned to the grey haired boy and stated "Suga I think Daichi wants you" she noticed a pink blush rise on his face then she heard, (I wish) but his mouth hadn't moved

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'This is so weird she thought' but continued walking and bumped head on into Takeda sensei. "I'm so sorry Kiyoko", he said looking concerned. There goes the flash again, Takeda sensei being pinned against the wall by coach Ukai. 'Ew no my eyes' she thought. She then heard Takeda's voice in her head saying, (God he's so hot but he'd never look at a nerd like me). Kiyoko couldn't help but felt sorry for him, he looked really sad. It was then that she heard coach Ukai say (he's so cute) and when she looked over he was looking straight at their sensei.

 It was then that she heard coach Ukai say (he's so cute) and when she looked over he was looking straight at their sensei

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Great, bring it on, first 2 couples in 1 hour. This is gonna be a hot mess. However she smiled for the first time in over a week.

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