2. Caught

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The next morning Arthur wakes up due to the hot sun blinding his eyes.
His head is pounding and he barely has any memory of the night before.
All he knows is that he was talking to Rex.
Where is she?

Arthur looks around but she's nowhere to be seen, not even inside the Saloon.
He decides to get up and go into the Saloon to ask for her.
"G'morning", He says as he flops onto one of the many chairs at the bar.
"You make coffee?"
"We sure do, sir."
Arthur rubs his eyes as he watches the barkeeper make his coffee.
"She's gone, you know", The barkeeper suddenly says.

Arthur tilts his head in confusion.
"She doesn't like to stay in one place for long. She left after she took you outside. Might want to check your pockets."
Arthur raises his eyebrow. "Why?"
"She's a pick pocket."

With anger Arthur checks his pockets only to find the few quarters Rex had left him.
"Son of a-"
He stops his words as he sees the barkeeper laugh. "You're not the first one, pal. Coffee's on the house." Arthur tips his hat as the man behind the counter serves him his well deserved coffee.
"Does she live here?"
"Nah. Girl's been comin' through here for years but never stayed. Sleeps under the stars."

Arthur is angry. Angry that he fell for Rex's tricks but with all of this information he could think better.
Rex couldn't have made it that far, right?

The cowboy finishes the coffee, wishes the man a good day and exits the Saloon.
He jumps onto his horse and rides out of Valentine to find the thief.
She's smart, she wouldn't ride the trail.

Arthur leads his horse through the forest and grasslands far off the trail.
He then suddenly sees the remains of a campsite. A gone out fire and lots of tracks. Unfortunately his track reading is a bit rusty but he can make the best of it.
From what he can tell Rex is going up north. No clue as to why she thinks that's a good idea.

"Come on, boy. Let's get my money back."


Rex jumps off the back of her big horse and lets it drink from the river in front of them.
She pulls out a map and sinks into her thoughts.

Is Arthur someone to follow her? Hopefully not. She never felt bad for playing this game but with him... it was suddenly different. She did feel bad about taking his money but at the same time doesn't regret it one bit.
She needs it to start over. That's all she wants.

After collecting herself Rex puts away the map and brushes her horse.

Rex thought about selling her multiple but never went through with it. Nowadays you need a horse, nothing else works.

Suddenly she hears cracking noises coming from the forest behind her. She quickly grabs her riffle and loads it as fast as she can.
Rex focuses and can make out a silhouette. A man on a horse.
Without further ado she hops onto her horse and rides off.
The man is following her.

As she looks back she sees a familiar face.
"You took my money", He screams.
"I'm sorry", She shouts back but continues to ride away from him.
"Give it back and I'll spare ya!"

She knows he's lying. No one would let a thief get away with this.
Rex continues to ignore the calls from Arthur and continues to ride for the train tracks up ahead. She can already hear the lock approaching.
She picks up the pace as good as she can. To her disadvantage, her horse is tired from riding all day. It's starting to get uneasy.

Before Rex could reach the tracks her horse throws her off and into the mud. "Dammit", She shouts as she tries to get onto her feet as fast as she can.
"Hold it."
She lets out a sigh and looks up at Arthur who is pointing a gun at her.
She lost.

"Fine, here."
She throws the money onto the ground and crosses her arms in front of her chest.
"Your fault you got caught", Arthur says as he jumps off his horse to collect the money.
"It was worth a try. How'd ya find me?"
Arthur chuckles.
"It wasn't easy. You're a sneaky one."
Rex smirks at Arthur's compliment.
"Why do you need the money anyway?"
Rex brushes her black hair out of her face as she hears the question.
"Want to start a new life."

Arthur looks up at the woman.

Now he can see her face clearly.
He never noticed her beauty under all those bruises and cuts. She must own a red lipstick, he couldn't explain her red lips otherwise.
Her eyes are fierce, full of some kind of lust and energy. A mole under her right eye only adds to her beautiful face.
Even her skin is surprisingly smooth.

"I see", Arthur says as he can finally look away from her captivating face. "Heard you don't have a place to stay."
Rex scoffs. "I don't need help if that is what you are suggesting. I'm doing fine on my own."
"Imagine if someone who isn't as friendly as me caught ya. You could be dead."
She scoffs again.
Arthur is right but she doesn't want to admit it. It would hurt her pride.
"Might be a daring suggestion but my gang still has room for one."
The girl raises her eyebrow again.

"I didn't take you for a people person."
"I ain't." Both laugh.

"Fine. I'll check it out but if I don't like it I'm gone, got it?"

Arthur nods, slightly happy that he could convince her for some reason.
Both jump onto their horses and ride towards Arthur's camp.

Rex is nervous. Hopefully everything will work out.

Like a Cat {Arthur Morgan x OC}Where stories live. Discover now