13. Speechless

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"Arthur, I... I don't know what to say", Irene stutters as she relives the man's confession in her head many times.
"You don't need to say anythin'", He suddenly mumbles.
"I shouldn't have told you and put all this pressure on your shoulders."
Irene looks up at the visibly confused and upset man sitting next to her still squeezing her hand tightly.
"Arthur, I want you to know that I really like you too."

His gaze shoots up to look at Irene. "But... I need time to think about this."
The happiness in his eyes doesn't fade as expected.

"It's alright. I'll wait for you."

Regret spreads in Irene's stomach.
Everything is going so fast. Coming back to camp, Arthur's confession. She needs time to adjust.
"It's just... I feel like-"
"Things are going to fast", He completes her sentence. "I understand and I am not upset because of your decision."
Irene rubs her puffy and tired eyes. "Really?"
"Yes, I hope this won't make things awkward between us", He adds with a small smile.

"Not at all, Arthur."

A yawn escapes her rosy lips. "We should go to sleep."
Arthur nods and helps Irene up from the ground by taking her hand.

They walk back to Arthur's tent and go to sleep as a new day awaits them.


As Irene wakes up the next morning she is greeted by Arthur who has two cups of coffee in his hands. "I brought ya some." Irene takes one cup out of his hands with a smile. "Thank you, Arthur."
He sits down next to her. "So what are we doin' today."
Irene takes a sip from the brown liquid. "Not sure. Maybe just ride around and see what the day brings."

Arthur smiles at Irene and ruffles her black and uncombed hair. "I like your style."

Both drink up and get ready to explore the grass lands a bit more.
Irene pets Arthur's horse as Arthur packs his satchels with food and water as well as countless weapons just in case. "We should probably get me a new horse first."
"Was about to say that." Both chuckles and swing themselves onto the horse.
Then they ride into Valentine.

The sun shines bright once again and it's hotter than usual. Both Arthur and Irene are dressed for a warm day but start to sweat regardless.

As they reach the small town they ride towards the stable to find a new horse.

"Good day, Sir. I'm looking for a strong horse."
The man smiles. "Well, you've come to the right place, Miss. Just got a fresh delivery!" He leads Irene into the stable with Arthur following behind them.
"Strong cold blood! It's yours if you pay the right price."
Irene tilts her head and looks at the black cold blood horse in front of her.

It's huge with a long braided mane.
She takes a liking to it almost immediately.
She then turns around.
"Arthur. What do you say?"

Arthur raises an eyebrow, surprised that Irene wants his opinion on this matter.
"It's a gorgeous horse, no doubt about that. How much you want?"
The seller folds his arms in front of his chest.
"A horse of this caliber is pricey."
He pats the horse on the side.
"Good ol' Mary is no less worth than 30 dollars."
"30 dollars?"

Arthur and Irene look at each other. "I'll take it", Irene says and takes her money out of her pouch.

With a satisfied smile Irene takes the paper's from the seller and loads up her new horse with a new saddle.

Arthur watches as Irene brushes her new horse and tries to build up a connection.
Suddenly he hears a strange voice.
"Oh my. What's a handsome man like you doin' out her in a place like this?"

The man raises his eyebrow at the woman coming towards him.

Her blonde hair looks greasy and dirty. Even her face is dirty, full of toxic and bright makeup and wrinkled.
"I'm not interested in your services, Ma'am", Arthur immediately says. It seemed to have offended the woman.
"I'm not a prostitute!"
Arthur raises an eyebrow. "Then what are you?"
The woman smirks and snuggles up to Arthur's chest. "A woman in need of love."
Arthur is visibly uncomfortable but he can't seem to shake her off.

"Excuse me."

The woman looks over at Irene who has her hand on her gun sitting in its holster.
"Mind stepping away from my husband?"
The woman looks up at Arthur and back at Irene in confusion. "But-"
"Back off", Irene reinforces and the woman steps away from Arthur.

"Now get lost before I change my mind."
With panic in her expression the woman picks up her heavy skirt and runs off.

Arthur looks at Irene impressed by her actions.
"Husband, huh?"

Like a Cat {Arthur Morgan x OC}Where stories live. Discover now