12. Let me know

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As night reigns over the world Irene lays on her bed and stares into nothingness.
Not only do Arthur's snores keep her awake but also her thoughts that haunt her every day and night.

She rolls over and thinks more.
A quick swim in the lake should clear her head.
Without further ado Irene slowly sits up and gets out of bed. She tries her best to not wake Arthur. He deserves this sleep.
As she steps outside of the tent she makes sure that everyone is asleep and that no one sees her.

Irene then sneaks down the hill and to the small lake right next to their camp site.

The water is illuminated by the full moon, even the stars are shining brightly.
She smiles at the calm yet mysterious sight of the sky.

As she watches the sky Irene takes off her clothes to take a dip in the lake before her.
She steps into the cold water and dives under to also soak her hair.
All of the sand and dirt on her body wash away with every wave that hits Irene's tanned body.
"Out again, huh."

Irene turns around to see Arthur standing at the shore of the lake.
"What're you gonna do about it, Mister Morgan", She teases. "Nothin'. Enjoy your time splashin' 'round."
Both laugh.
"Don't want to join me, Arthur?"
"I'd rather not."
Irene raises an eyebrow. "Scared", Irene teases once again. "No. I'm waitin'."
"Waiting for what?"

Arthur chuckles as he sits down at the shore. "Somethin' amazing I reckon."
Irene laughs out loud. "You are a clown, Arthur Morgan, if you believe that I will step out of this lake as you are watching."

Arthur smirks. "I'll close my eyes just for you." Irene waves her hand as a sign for Arthur to stop looking.
He puts his hand in front of his eyes to fulfill Irene's wish of not seeing her naked.
He'd do it either way, no questions asked, he was just in the mood to tease her.
Arthur hears the water shifting with loud splashes.
"You can open your eyes now, Arthur."
"You sure?"

Irene chuckles. "Yes, you idiot."

Arthur puts his hand away and his eyes widen at the sight in front of him. "Irene!"
She laughs out loud. Arthur covers his eyes again with red cheeks. Irene didn't put on clothes.
"Put on some damn clothes!"
"Fine!" She huffs amused and satisfied by Arthur's reaction.

After putting on her clothes she falls down next to Arthur and looks at the night sky.
"I'm glad you're back", Arthur says. "Me too." Arthur lightly nudges Irene's side with his elbow.

"Now we're one gunwoman and... one precious soul more."
Irene looks at Arthur's bright red face. "You okay", She asks. "Your head's all red and warm."

Arthur shrugs it off out of embarrassment and tries to switch to a different topic.
"What should we do tomorrow", He asks innocently. Irene lets out a deep sigh.
"I don't know. Ride around and shoot who deserves it?" Arthur looks down at her with a raised eyebrow. "Sounds like a plan, you maniac."
He ruffles Irene's black hair as she chuckles.

"We should head back. It's late."

Arthur ignores Irene's suggestion.
He's feeling bold for some reason. Maybe the few shots of Whiskey he drank before coming down here are finally doing their work.

"Irene. There's something I always wanted to tell you." Irene looks up at Arthur, visually curious. If she were a cat her ears would point up.
"Well... Abigail and I talked about love and marriage."
Irene's heart sinks. "What about it?" Arthur clears his throat but Irene knows where this is going for her.

She isn't sure how John would react to Abigail's sudden decision. All she knows is that he will most definitely not be happy.

"When I was young and an idiot I spent the night with a woman."
Irene listens to Arthur's words curiously yet sad. "She got pregnant. We had a son together."
Irene's eyes widen.

Arthur is a father?!

"I used to visit them a lot." Arthur becomes quiet for a second.
"One day I saw gravestones outside of her house. Some robber shot them over 10 dollars."

Irene furrows her brows. "Arthur, I'm so sorry. I never knew-"
"I didn't want to tell you about it."
Arthur looks down at Irene and takes her hand. "But you deserve to hear it, you deserve to know why I am the man I am today."
The man squeezes Irene's hand tightly.
"I was unsure if I could ever find love again after all that has happened", He continues.

"Then I met you."

Irene's eyes widen. She's completely speechless.

"From the first moment I saw you I knew that you are special. I've never met a woman like you, Irene."
"Arthur, I-"
He holds up his hand to stop the woman mid sentence.

"Irene, I've took a liking to you... I don't see you as my friend anymore. I see you as my love."

Like a Cat {Arthur Morgan x OC}Where stories live. Discover now