5. Supply Run

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After their more intimate conversation last night Arthur wakes up rather disappointed and relieved at the same time.
He's happy to know more about Irene and where she came from but somehow he is also disappointed because she might not want to get married.
He doesn't even know why he is worried about it since his thoughts are the same.


The said man goes out to see Dutch standing outside of his tent. "G'mornin', Dutch."
"I need you to get some supplies from the city. Take the new one with you. Irene, was it?" Arthur nods. "Will do, you maniac." Dutch laughs as he walks away.

Arthur makes his way over to Irene's tent but to his surprise she's gone again.
"Irene", He shouts.
"Down by the lake, now stop shoutin'", The constantly drunk camp member shouts back.
Arthur shrugs it off and walks down to the lake.
To his surprise Irene is not alone.
She's crouching next to Jack who is talking about something.
He's using his arms and hands to explain whatever he's talking about.
He even throws a few rocks around. They laugh a lot together.

As Irene looks up she notices Arthur and her smile fades... for some reason.
"Arthur!" Jack jumps up and runs into Arthur's arms. "Hey, kid. You alright?"
"Yes! I showed Irene how I play with rocks!"

As stupid as it sounds Jack is excited. Irene seemed to be as well.
"Alright, Jack. I need to take Irene for now." Jack looks sad. He seems to really like Irene. Seems familiar.
"Bye, Jack", Irene says as the boy cuddles her legs.
"Won't be long."
Then she follows Arthur back to the camp.
"What is it", She then asks. "Supply shopping." He points at the carriage. "It seems like Dutch wants to test ya."

Irene pats the horses attached to the carriage. "If this is what he considers a test... fine. You got a list?"
Arthur pulls out the piece of paper from his jacket. "Let's go."

Irene immediately jumps onto the carriage.
"You ride."
Arthur gets onto the carriage as well and takes the reigns.
Here begins a long and silent ride.
Irene is not as talk active as he wished. Thing is, his smalltalk skills aren't good and if she doesn't want to talk he shouldn't push it.

As they reach Valentine Arthur gets off the carriage. "You wait here. I'll get the supplies." A simple nod from the woman, nothing more.

As Arthur vanishes into the store Irene leans back and closes her eyes to take in the sun.
She's annoyed but doesn't know why.
Suddenly she hears someone approaching.
"Hey, sweetie."
Irene looks down onto an old man with barely any hair left. His clothes look used and dirty.
"You wanna come with me?"
Irene eyes him from top to bottom and leans her head back again, clearly showing no interest.

"Hey, you wench!"
The man tries to grab her hair but before he is able to Irene pulls out her black and freshly polished pistol. "You don't want to do that, old man", She sneers.
The man looks shocked by her sudden move.
He then leaves without any further remarks.

Irene puts her pistol away and leans back once again.
Another pair of footsteps approaches and Irene reaches for her gun once again.
"Woah, it's me."
She recognizes Arthur's voice and puts her gun in her holster.
"What happened? Saw some guy running."
"Wanted to grab my hair."
Arthur is impressed. For some reason he slowly questioned Irene's profession as a famous gunslinger and bounty hunter, but now?
She seems ruthless.

"I got all the supplies. Let's head back."
Arthur takes the reigns and the carriage starts to roll.

"You stupid bitch!"
Irene looks back to see the old man again. Now he's sprinting after them on a horse. Irene rolls her eyes and grabs her pistol.
"What, Irene-"
"Let me handle this."
Before he could do anything Irene jumps from the carriage to face the old man.
They are just outside of the city. If she should kill him they are safe.

The old man only yells as he comes closer and closer.

Arthur watches Irene closely. She has her pistol drawn and her fingers are impatiently tapping its metal.
As the horse approaches Irene grabs the old man's leg and tears him out of his sattle.
He falls onto the ground and the next thing he sees is a gun aimed right at his face.
"You wanna live", Irene asks coldly as the man lifts his hands in defeat. He even starts to cry and beg.
"I'm so sorry, Miss. Please, spare me."
For a second Irene thinks of pulling the trigger. Just this once. No one would know.

To her own surprise she puts her gun away and helps the stranger up back onto his feet.
"Don't ever pester me or other women again. I will find you and the next time I won't be as merciful."

The man then runs off.

With a satisfied smirk Irene walks to the carriage from where Arthur was watching the whole thing.
"Let's go", She says unbothered as she sits down. "I'm surprised you didn't shoot him", Arthur says. "Stay surprised."
Arthur looks at Irene.
"You know that was crazy, right?"
She chuckles.
"Crazy and amazing."
Both proceed to blush.
"Shall I teach you, Arthur Morgan." He laughs. "I've been doing just fine."

Their way back was filled with conversation and laughter. To his surprise Irene laughed a lot more than she usually does. It almost scared him.

As they reach camp Irene is greeted with a hug from Jack who has been waiting for her company.
As Jack drags her down to the lake Dutch joins Arthur in unloading the crates.
"How'd she do", Dutch asks.
"She was incredible."
Arthur looks after the woman who accompanied him today.

"She should stay. We need someone like her."

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