8. Alone

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It's been a few months since Irene left the camp.
To her surprise she is doing better than ever before. In all her sorrow she threw herself into the bounty hunter business and made the name "Rex" rise to the top again.
The money started to pile and she could finally buy nice things. Good alcohol, well made clothes and high class weapons.
Even though things are going her way she still feels empty. Emotions are now rare.

"Here's another one." Irene throws her bounty before the feet of the sheriff. "Rex, that's the second guy today. You're too much."
"Take it or leave it, I'll get paid either way." The sheriff nods and gives Irene the money he owes. "I believe it was 100 dollars?"
Irene nods and takes the money.
"Rex, be careful out there. One day you'll be after the wrong guy."
"I'll take that risk."
Then Irene pulls up her mask and leaves the sheriff's house.
She takes a look at the bright blue sky before pulling her hat further into her face.

She decides to call it a day and walks through the streets of Valentine until she reaches the Saloon.
It's become a daily ritual for her.
Bring in one or two bounties and then drink her life away at the Saloon. It also wouldn't be the same without a bar fight.

"One whiskey", She says as she sits down at the bar. "Comin' right up, Rex. You look more tired than usual. You okay?"
"I'm fine."
The barkeeper places the glass with the liquid in front of Irene.
"By the way, I got that shipment of coffee you wanted." Irene nods and grabs a few dollars from her pocket as the man places the package onto the counter. "Save your money, kid. I get enough."
Irene smiles and shakes her head as she puts the money back.
"You're too kind to me."
The barkeeper laughs. "You remind me of my daughter. It's the least I can do."

Suddenly the doors to the Saloon swing open and familiar faces enter.
Irene gulps down her drink and leaves a tip. "See you around", She says before rushing to the door.
With her hat covering most of her sight she accidentally bumps into the new guests.
"Hey! Watch it!"

The moment goes by in slow motion. Irene takes a quick peek at the man she bumped into.
To her surprise he was staring right into her eyes.
Irene then quickly looks away and keeps walking towards the exit. "My apologies", She mumbles before leaving the building.
As she goes to her tied up horse she lets out a deep sigh of relief.
Arthur didn't recognize her.
It's moments like this where she questions her decision.

Arthur has come to the Saloon more than once while she was there. Every time she immediately vanished out of sheer fear and regret.

"Let's go, girl."
And once again she rides off into the wilderness, afraid of what might have been.
She decides to sleep under the stars tonight and rides out of Valentine and into the woods where she was never caught.

As she reaches a nice place to camp she sets everything up, even a newly bought tent she couldn't afford for years.
After collecting some wood she lights a fire and prepares some canned food.
While it cooks she cleans her horse and feeds it. As the food finishes cooking Irene immediately grabs herself a few scoops and gulps it down. She hasn't eaten all day.
She finishes up the whole pot and takes off her hat as she pats her belly, satisfied by the food she bought.

Suddenly she hears branches cracking.
Irene grabs her pistol in hopes of it being an animal but her theory was proven false as she hears singing. It must be a lost drunk, at least the voice sounds like it. "Lenny", It yells. It must be a man. "Lenny!"
Irene lowers her pistol but keeps it in her grip just in case.
The drunk man then steps into the light of the campfire.
"Who the hell are you", Arthur babbles as he walks over clumsily.
"Just a traveler, drunk."
Irene does want to hug Arthur so badly but it always feels like Dutch is starring daggers into her back when he's around.
"Where am I", He says as he drops onto the ground.
"Outside of Valentine. I'm not taking you back."

Irene chuckles a bit but immediately quiets down again.
"You seem familiar." Arthur tilts his head to look at Irene closer but she pulls her hat further into her face. "Don't get too comfortable."
"'Cause it's time to go home."

Irene gets up and helps the drunk Arthur up. He's confused, probably looked into the glass a bit too much.
She turns him into a direction that leads him away from her camp and sends him on his way.
"Bye bye now, stranger", He yodels as he wanders off.
Irene knows that her idea of sending Arthur off into the wilderness was a bad idea but she couldn't think of anything else. Fortunately she knows him well. Arthur always finds his way back.

"Bye bye, Arthur Morgan."

Like a Cat {Arthur Morgan x OC}Where stories live. Discover now