11. Return

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"Oh my, Rex! Thank you for the supplies. We've been waiting so long."
Irene smiles at the farmer. "It's nothin'", She simply says with a smile.
"Please, take this as a thank you gift. You've done so much for us."
"You don't need to gift me anything, I'll gladly fulfill your requests."

With that Irene wishes the farmer farewell and walks over to Arthur's horse.
"So a killer and a people pleaser", He says jokingly. Irene just lightly punches his shoulder.
"Let's head back."
Arthur nods and lifts Irene up onto his horse. Then he gets up and sits down in the saddle.
Irene wraps her arms around his waist to hang on.
The horse then gallops out of the small village and onto the trail that will lead them to camp and the gang.

"They'll be excited to see you", Arthur says with a grin. "Especially Jack. He always asked about you." Irene chuckles.
"I like that kid."
"Probably the only kid you like, huh?" Both laugh. "For now", Irene says.


"So, Arthur... any woman by your side as of now?" Arthur looks back at Irene with a cheeky smile. "You really think someone would want an old man like me", He laughs. "Oh come on now, you're very handsome." Irene takes a closer look at Arthur's sharp features.

His face is one of a kind. The beard fits his face shape and his ice blue eyes contrast his tanned skin.

"You think I'm handsome?" Irene chuckles. "Most handsome man I've ever met as of now."
"I'll take it", Arthur says and looks ahead at the road. The compliment makes his heart beat faster and a strange feeling gathers in his stomach.
"You alright?"
"I'm fine."

The rest of the ride Irene and Arthur admire the scenery, talk about the mountains in the distance and the animals that pass by.
Even though Arthur is highly educated he knows lots about nature.
Irene admires that about him. He might not understand right away but makes efforts to do so. Not every man does that.
"Nervous", Arthur asks as they finally reach the forest part that shields the camp. "I'm..." Arthur puts a hand on hers.
"I'll try my best."

Arthur proceeds to lead his horse into the forest.
He greats the men guarding the camp on his way.

Arthur jumps from his horse and ties it to one of the many posts before helping Irene down. She slides out of the saddle and right into his arms.
"Arthur! You're back", Abigail says as she runs towards him. "I was so worried!"
"I'm fine. Picked up a friend on the way." Abigail's eyes widen. "Irene! You're back!"
She immediately hugs the girl. "God, we've missed you! I'll go get Jack."
Then she runs off.

Irene feels overwhelmed. She did not expect a welcoming like this.

"I see you've returned."
Irene looks up at Dutch who's wandered over to them as well. "I'm sorry for the trouble I caused back then", Irene says immediately as she thinks back to the incident.
"No, I overreacted." Irene is surprised by Dutch's sudden change in mood.

He isn't annoyed by her like he used to be and she can even see sincerity in his eyes.
"The camp will always have a place for you."
He then walks off without another word.
"I did not expect that", Irene says and looks up at Arthur. "He's a complicated man. You'll never be able to see through him. Anyway, let's set up your tent."
Irene scratches the back of her neck.
"They left my stuff with my horse."
Arthur remembers. "Then let's buy a tent first thing tomorrow. You're sleepin' with me tonight."
Irene's eyes widen. "You sure?"
"Of course."

He pats her back and goes to his tent. Irene follows after him and tries not to attract attention to herself. "Irene!"
She looks around shocked thinking she'll be showered in hugs and greetings.

As she looks around she spots Jack. He has a wide grin on his face.
He then runs up to her and hugs her legs. "You're back!" Irene smiles as she ruffles the boy's hair. "And I'm not going anywhere."
"Promise?" He looks up at her. "Promise."
Arthur clears his throat.
"Sorry, boy, but I need to steal Irene away from ya." Jack nods and runs off.
"I set up a mattress, you can sleep on the bed." Irene looks around Arthur's tent.

Nothing has changed. She picks up a note book with a leather cover. "This is new", She says. Arthur immediately snatches it out of her hands.
"This is not for you to read", He says rather serious. Irene just holds up her hands innocently. "Sorry, I didn't know."
"It's okay. It's getting late. We should get something to eat and then sleep", The cowboy suggests.

Irene shrugs off the incident and follows Arthur to the kettle by Pearson's station. It's full of some kind of vegetable soup.
"Ah! Miss Smith! Here to cut more vegetables, are you", Pearson asks jokingly.
"I'd rather jump off that cliff." They laugh and take some of the stew. "As good as always, Simon", Irene says with a smile.
"I'll take a compliment from a pretty woman every day."
He then waddles back over to prepare more meat for further meals.
"See? I told ya you were missed", Arthur says as he bumps Irene's side.

She smiles and scoops away her stew as if she hadn't eaten in days.

Arthur eats as well but watches Irene's movements. He can tell that she is happy to be back but he can still feel uncertainty in her words.

This time he won't let her go like last time.

Like a Cat {Arthur Morgan x OC}Where stories live. Discover now