Lakeside School

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After dinner I saw and watched a documentary on penguins with my mother and father. Since it was Sunday it was technically the weekend meaning I was allowed at least one hour of television. The documentary was just under an hour if you subtracted the time for commercials.

The second it ended I kissed my mother and father goodnight and then headed upstairs to my bedroom. It was time for a bath.

My bathroom was huge. It had a double sink with a floor to ceiling length mirror. The counters were a white marble with powder blue swirls. Power blue and white seemed to pop up in anything that had to do with me. Sitting right under a large window that overlooked the south side of the property was a oversized tub. It was so large that I was confident that atleast 7 people could fit comfortably in it and still have room. It was big enough for me to swim five stroke laps.

Just across the room in the back half was another door. This led to the toilet. Then there was just one more which held towels, robes, wash rags and other things like assortments of bath oils, salts and incense foam for the bath. Before I returned to start running the bath water I grabbed a handful of different bottles.

Turning on the water I made sure to set the temperature gadge which was digital. This made sure the water was the perfect temperature and even kept it from cooling over time. Once that was set I put on the jets and adjust the flow so the overlarged bath would fill quickly.

After I had finished undressing the water shut off. Upon inspection I realized the bath had a sensor that automatically shut the water off when it got past the filling point, this obviously kept accidental flooding to a minimum of none.

Before I got into the tub I poured a rose and lavender oil, vanilla bath salts and chamomille bath foam in it. The smell was beyond overwhelming.

The moment I slid into the bath I relaxed. The temperature was perfect to my skin. The scent was mind blowing and to my own amusement classical music began to play.

I looked around curiously wondering who had turned on the music but only when I rose up did I realize my tub had a pressure sensor. Whenever I sat down in the tub music turned on. Whenever I got out it turned off.

"Thank you Alice." I said in a sing song voice.

Then a ringing sound filled the air that sounded like a phone was ringing. I turned my head and my mouth dropped open as I saw my aunt Alice's face flashing on a small screen. The only thing that seemed sensible to do was press the green button on the right.

"Hows my wonderful niece doing?" She began.

I went to open my mouth but was cut off as she continued rambling on.

"So I see you are enjoying your bath? How do you like your room? I hope the clothes are okay?"

I grinned.

"Of course they are okay I saw that she would love them." She muttered to herself.

"I love everything Alice. It's perfect." I beamed.

"So tomorrow at school make sure not to fall into peer pressure. If you see someone being picked on help them. You will never know, they might turn out to be your best friend."

"I already know about peer pressure auntie. As well you already know me. I won't let anything get picked on."

"I love you Nessie."

"I love you too."

"Sleep well."

I giggled. "I will get alot more sleep then you do."

"Always." She chuckled.

Then the screen went blank and I was left to the sounds of my beautiful orchestra playing softly in the background.

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