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Entering the office I made my way to the administration desk taking care not to invade anyones personal space. I think it was more for my sake then anyone elses. I didn't want to be touched by strangers. I didn't like being touched unless it was my family.

Sitting behind a desk was a woman that looked to be my grandma Esme's age. She had brown hair and chocolate eyes and a strong jaw. Her clothing choice wasn't exactly appealing atleast in my eye. Then again I was trained by my aunt Alice in the ways of fashion.

I smirked to myself.

"Er excuse me Mrs.-" I paused looking around on her desk for a plaqard to help me.

She lifted her plaque and placed it in a better visual.

"Mrs. Robinson I'm a new student here and need my schedule."

She began typing away on her computer. "Name?" She said pausing briefly without looking at me.

"Cullen... Renesmee Cullen ma'am."

I saw her body tense before she lifted her head to look at me. Her eyes widened and her mouth fell open as she looked at me.

"Er... yes... right away Miss Cullen." she began hastily typing. Her key strokes were more sloppy and unprofessional and I saw her backspace alot.

What was with this woman? She was acting fine until I mentioned my surename. I sighed and began gazing around the room while Mrs. Robinson continued with her work. Then I saw it. The team mascot was a lion. The lion was my families crest.

I continued looking around the room and there on the wall was a picture of a monument. A lion statue with a plaque that gave thanks Bella and Edward Cullen. I narrowed my eyes.

Without taking my eyes off the picture I pulled my cell phone out of my bag and dialed my mothers number.

"Renesmee?" My mother said after a half a ring.

"Uh mom."

"Renesmee what is wrong?"

"I'm standing here in the office right now looking at a picture of a statue dedicated to you and dad. When did this happen?"

"Edward?" I heard my mother call. "Renesmee is on the phone she said there is a statue dedicated to you and I. What is this about?"

"I don't know Bella. Alice probably saw something benefitial coming from it and made a generous donation to the school. She is usually like that. If she forsees something..."

"Okay." There was a pause. "Renesmee just roll with it."

"But what if someone asks me about it. What do I say?" I whispered as I turned my back on the desk lady.

"There is nothing to say. Just shrug it off. Have a good day Renesmee."

"Okay. I love you mom." I hung up.

Turning back to Mrs. Robinson I smiled. She still looked nervous.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

She nodded her head and then silently handed me my papers. I took them gracefully from her trembling hands and smiled before walking out the office door. I quickly glanced at the time on my phone and then looked at the time for my first class. I had thirty minutes and decided I would read over my class information.

I headed into the courtyard and found a seat directly in the sunlight. The warmth of the rays felt amazing on my skin. It was as if I could feel each ray that fell upon me. It came upon me in exhilarating waves.

After I had settled I looked at the first page of my paperwork. It was just a statement that said all my classes were chosen for me except for my extra cirricular classes. Those were chosen by me.

Sunlight - Book 3Where stories live. Discover now