Don't be late

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After dinner Tyler said goodnight and then headed upstairs to go to bed. I didn't move from my spot at the table which drew attention to me, especially since I didn't eat the rest of the food that was on my plate.

"What's wrong Renesmee?" My mother asked me.

I looked at my father and he looked as curious as she had.

"Why don't you as dad." I replied.

My mother glanced at my father and he just shook his head. What was wrong? Did he not like the thought of me missing my Jake.

"I can't read her mind." My father then added.

My eyes widened in shock. This was impossible right? My father could read any mind, unless you count my mothers. She was a mental shield which prevented her mind from being read by my father unless she allowed him in.

"You are kidding right?" I asked suprised.

My father frowned and then shook his head. "I can't hear a thing which is curious."

"Do you think she has my shield?" my mother asked in a mere whisper.

"I can't be too sure but it makes sense. After all she has been reading minds lately just like myself."

"But we already know her gifts, where is this all coming from?"

"Some gifts can be delayed. When she was little she was able to show her thoughts, which she still can. Then she was able to will information from our minds. Now she can read thoughts and it seems as if she has found and put up a mental shield."

I gasped. How did I find a shield that I didn't even know I had. More importantly how do I learn to control it. I couldn't deny that it would come in handy if in turn I didn't want my parents to know something but at other times it's nice for my father to be able to understand what I was going through without having to try and explain it.

"Daddy, I don't know how to take it down."

He put his hand on my shoulder and rubbed it soothingly. "I know we will teach you. But for now it's time for you to get some sleep. Another day at school."

I gave both my parents and hug and a kiss and then headed upstairs to my room on the third floor. Once I sank into bed and closed my eyes I had fallen asleep.

Jake was standing before me, his look unkempt and his hair longer then I had ever seen it before. He looked sad and his appearance was that of neglect.

"How could you Renesmee. We were supposed to be together forever." He whispered to me.

Then the angle of the dream changed and I was looking at myself through Jake's eyes. I was beautiful as ever and I was standing beside another man only I couldn't see his face as it was blurred.

"I love you Jake. I always will. But I'm happy." I heard my voice say.

Then the angle changed again and I watched as Jake began trembling. I felt the air around him vibrate and then he burst into his wolf form before tilting his head up to the sky and howling. Then he began scraping his paw against the ground as a he growled, his teeth barred. He was angry.

I opened my eyes and gasped as I bolted upright in my bed. I was sweating and my pajama's were sticking to my skin. I looked behind me at the clock and saw it was just five minutes before I had to get up.

Sighing I rose to my feet and decided to start on my hygeine. Thirty minutes later I was standing in my bathroom dressed for school. I was dressed in white True Religion jeans, a white silk blouse and a powder blue knit sweater with a pair of ballet flats.

Sunlight - Book 3Where stories live. Discover now