A New Rise

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Her red eyes stared back at me, smile so sinister. Then came the pain, the burning pain. I wanted nothing more than for it to stop, only stopping wasn't my choice it was hers. The entire time I screamed she laughed. Suddenly the pain was gone and so was she. I lay panting on the floor expecting the pain to return only it didn't. Then I saw her leaning over a limp bronzed body. Her teeth were inches from his neck and I knew what came next.

"JAKE!" I looked around the room in a quickened panic.

Where was I? From the look and smell I wasn't in the hotel room anymore. I pushed myself into a sitting position and rose to my feet.

"You should rest Renesmee." My father said as he appeared at my side.

He lifted me effortlessly off my feet and sat me on the bed.

"I just need to see Jake. Where's Jake?" I asked. "Just tell me he is okay."

My father moved me into a laying position and then covered me with a blanket. "Jake is perfectly fine, everyone is fine and you are safe."

I closed my eyes and the memories of the Volturi in Seattle and Jane in the hotel room flooded my mind. Opening my eyes I looked around, I was safe, I was.... Where was I?

"Renesmee." I heard my mother call as a door opened and closed. Then she was at my side and I was in her arms. "This is our fault."

I touched her cheek and replayed the incident that had spawned me leaving. I wanted her to know that it was my fault, all of it was my fault.

"Renesmee your mother is right, this is our fault. By sheltering you from the truth you were unaware and because you were unaware you walked blindly into danger without a second thought. Your mother and I put you into harms way and we are sorry for that." The entire time my father spoke I could hear his voice raising and lowering ever so slightly.

"What do you mean?"

"Ever since the last encounter with the Volturi we have been having Alice keep a close eye on them. Upon her watch she discovered that the Volturi never left but have been laying low in Seattle as if they were waiting for something. That's why we didn't want you out by yourself." he explained.

I thought back to the first night in Seattle by myself. The man that had talked to me at the Orchestra Venue told me it wasn't safe after the sun went down. Certainly he knew something about the Volturi then, but that would mean he was a vampire. But his eyes...

"Jane... what happened to Jane?"

"She's taken care of you don't need to worry anymore."

"Dad she tortured me and tried to kill my friend I'm going to worry until I know for a fact she is gone."

"They took her limbs and burned them to ashes then dumped them in ocean." My mother said quickly. "You don't need to worry."

Dismemberment, burning, disposing, the only way to successfully kill the undead. I nodded my head.

"So now our worries lie with the Volturi's reaction to the death of Jane." Carlisle said as he entered the room along side Alice and Emmett.

"They aren't going to react." My father said. "Alice said she saw Aro warning her to leave us alone."

"I saw it clearer then the new rise of the next day. Aro told her that if they attacked they weren't going to avenge her. His very words. There was no need to force Renesmee she would eventually come as history always repeats itself." Alice said. She looked worried, but why?

"Still it would be good to keep tabs out for history mimics." My father added.

The third time the door opened it was Jake. He looked exhausted, tired and his russet skin was dull and lacking its normal bronze glow. He slumped across the room to my bedside and sat down with a groan.

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