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I sat in my Chamber Music class listening to the intructor going over the announcements and events coming up within the next month. I was happy to know that I would be able to perform with the rest of the class at our first concert held at a very prestigous wine mixer at the Space Needle.

The wine mixer was being put together by my very own family and the funds would be going towards the hospital and the schools music funds.

"You each will be recieving a folder for your music that you need to learn flawlessly by the end of the month." The instructor went on. "For the rest of the class you will be practicing your pieces while I call you down to take measurements. When I call your name you will head nextdoor to my office where my aid will take your measurements." She nodded towards a male who sat attentively behind a desk.

My mouth parted as I spied the familiar red haired boy who was my friend. Gregory. I could have sworn I saw him give a subtle smile in my direction. I smiled back and then flushed before I turned my head.

"Begin." the teacher said.

I rose fluidly to my feet and went to the front where the folders sat on top of the piano. I flicked through them and found mine -twelveth from the top- and grabbed it before I moved around to the bench and took my seat.

Opening up my folder I brought out the first piece and stuck it up on the music stand. It was a piece called Beethoven's 5 Secrets by The Piano Guys & Lyceum Orchestra. If I was a cartoon my mouth would've hit the floor. This orchestra was a hit so in order to gain rights to perform this for financial beneficy it would have cost upwards of five hundred grand.

To my own curiosity I continued to flip quickly through the remainder of my music and saw we were playing not one piece by them but four and three by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra.

I couldn't believe my eyes. This music was beyond anyones imagination when it came to selection. I could only imagine what we played on an average day if this was our selection for performances. Then again this school and the hospital were gems of investment to my family. In order to keep it flourishing they had to have the best.

Taking a breath to regain myself from my over-excitement I straightened my posture and moved my hands to home on the piano before I began to gradually play my piece. As I played my music I allowed my senses to pick up everyone else's parts before I put them together. Though I had never heard this song before I could already imagine it in whole. It was elegant and beautiful.

With the perfection of my hearing I was able to pick out flaws in everyone else's music. It was easy to tell where a flat or sharp should've been in the song by the way it sounded. My father taught me that when he began teaching me the piano.

After I had finished a runthrough of the first song I moved to the second, A Lasting Illusion by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. This one I had heard before so it was easy to know where people were screwing up. Though to my surprise there were very few. Then again Music was mandatory for the first four years meaning everyone in this school knew how to play an instrument.

I was well into my seventh piece when my name was called. I gathered my music and bag, since there was only ten minutes left in class, and headed out to the office next door.

Next door was a bit of an understatement since it was three doors to my left. When I entered the room Gregory was sitting casually in a chair with measurement tape -like the one my grandpa Carlisle used to measure me when I was little- over his shoulder.

I closed the door and set my things down.

"Hi!" I said cheerfully. He didn't acknowledge me.

Very slowly he rose to his feet without bothering to look at me. I took a deep breath as I felt an air of uneasiness settle around me. Was he okay?

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