Am I Dying?

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My attention was stolen immeadiately by all the skylights that towered several stories above me. Inhaling in the night air I smelled the fishiness of the harbor just a mile or so away. The smell was gross but at the same time it was pleasant, I was alone.

On my mind was one thing, where to go first.

I walked to the end of the corner and crossed the street, making my way deeper into the heart of the city. Unlike the daytime, the sidewalks and streets weren't as busy so I didn't have to worry about bumping or grazing another person as I walked.

Several of the buildings were already closing because it was almost 9 at night. The only things open were widely distributed stores, like those you would find in the mall.

"Excuse me ma'am but do you know how to get to the bus station?" a man downed in a black cloak asked. I couldn't see his face as he did his best to keep it covered.

Instinctively a hiss made it's way up through my throat. I smothered it back down before it could escape and took a step back from the stranger. Something about this person set my instincts on edge.

"Uhm sorry sir but I don't really know much in the city. First time alone." I pulled my bag closer to my chest before I turned and strode off in the opposite direction putting as much distance between me and the man as I could.

As I walked on through the streets I couldn't help but glance over my shoulder. I felt eyes on me. Everytime I turned around to look the streets were deserted. Maybe I was just paraniod.

I walked one more block before I decided it was time for me to go home for the night. Though the going home had more to do with the fact I was getting really scared I kept telling myself that it was only a matter of time before my family realized I was missing.

Back tracking every step I took I was finally back at the Opera House where I had came from. I slipped inside and disappeared down the hall just in time as the janitor had came and locked the front doors.

I peeked at my watch and took note of the time, 10pm. Next time I ventured out here I would try and come a little bit earlier so I could stay out longer and get back before the venue locked up.

As I entered the basement I went straight to the portrait that hit the secret passage way. It took me longer to get through because there was a secret to opening it. The sides of the picture frame had pressure points that when pressed at the same time caused a spring to open the hidden door.

The second I closed the door I began running back the way I came. It took less time going back then it did coming here. Then I was stumbling back into the basement of the house.

My nerves were on edge and I half held my breath until I was safe in the confines of my bedroom.

I let out a deep breath as I hung up my bag.

"Where have you been?" I heard Jakes voice call out.

My head snapped up and looked over to the middle of the room where my grand piano was. There was Jake, sitting on the bench staring right at me.

I shrugged off my light coat and hung it on my coat rack before I even bothered to answer him. "I was just out on the boat grabbing something I forgot." I lied. I then quickly focused on my shield to hide Jakes thoughts with mine in case my father decided to be nosey.

While staring at the floor I was still able to see Jake, from the corner of my eye, rise to his feet and walk to my side. His hand gently cupped my face, his thumb brushed along my cheek bone.

"That's a lie I spent a half an hour running the property for your scent. The only trace was in the house."

I took a deep breath. Should I tell him? Could I trust him with this secret? I silently scoffed at myself. Of course I could trust him. He's my Jake.

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