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I always knew Nailea was a wild one

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I always knew Nailea was a wild one. She showed up at every party whenever one was thrown. I expected to see her there, alone even, considering sometimes she arrived without her friends. But I swallowed my tongue when I walked downstairs, seeing Nailea dancing on top of a table, swinging her jacket above her head. Although, my attention wasn't on her. It was the girl next to her.

Nyx fucking Taylor was dancing on the table I ate at every morning, barely wearing anything and drunk out of her mind. She was laughing with Nailea and the sight was so foreign that I had to blink a few times. Wearing a barely-there tank top and tiny jean shorts, she looked like something out of every frat boy's fantasy. Her hair was loose, bouncing all over the place with each sway of her hips. Nyx had the personality of a robot whose default setting was to be a bitch, but this was something entirely new.

I'd never seen her at a party before, as she tended to avoid them. It was suspicious that she showed up at my party, at my house. The music grew louder as people cheered the two girls on. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, and it appeared many others felt the same way. A carefree Nyx Taylor was a sight to behold.

Nailea wrapped her arm around Nyx's bare waist, pulling her back to her front. To my surprise, Nyx was grinding against the girl, eyes closed as she held her arms up, swaying her head to the music and her tongue out of her mouth.

I stumbled when a guy shoved past me, trying to get a closer look. My annoyance grew when he began tossing money at the two, but they weren't paying attention to him or any of the other guys. More girls were climbing on couches and counters, trying to get even a sliver of the attention Nyx and Nailea were receiving. The latter tossed her head back, eyes rolling to the back of her head as she spun, sending the crowd of horny guys into a screaming fit.

"I don't know if I should be turned on or disgusted by myself," Sebastian yelled over the music as he stopped next to me, a red cup of beer in his hands. I raised a brow at the lust-filled look in his clear eyes and he laughed, the sound lost among the noise. "Chill, I'm talking about Nailea, not your girl."

The smirk stayed on his lips when I glowered at the implication of his words. He must've seen that I was on the verge of punching him, so he pushed away, laughing the entire time as he disappeared into the kitchen. Since he never enjoyed being surrounded by too many people, he always ate the night away. I scoffed, turning my head to find Grayson. 

And that's when Nyx's eyes caught mine.

I froze, unable to move from my spot against the wall. The smirk that tugged at her full lips was my undoing. She ran her hands up her bare stomach, dragging the material up a little as she brushed over her breasts before disappearing into her hair, hips swaying all the time. Tossing her head back, she ran her tongue over her teeth, winking at me. My fists clenched and my eyes narrowed, making her grin wider. If possible, the music became even louder, making the ground tremble. I'd have angry neighbours knocking soon.

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