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Nyx blundered out of my hold like a bar of soap the moment the words left my lips

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Nyx blundered out of my hold like a bar of soap the moment the words left my lips. I barely had a second to comprehend what was happening before she twisted around me, disappearing into the living room. She returned a beat after with a blanket in her hands, going into the bathroom once again, the door shutting behind her.

I sighed, leaning against the opposite wall. Nyx's voice was hushed through the door, sounding as if she was trapped underwater. Her words were incoherent, and I gave up on trying to eavesdrop. My mind reeled back to what happened a few minutes ago.

One second, Indigo was giggling at the jokes Grayson was making, Grayson who wouldn't hurt a fly. The next second, I tossed him the roll of ribbon, and suddenly Indigo was bawling. But I saw what happened. Grayson was looking at me to catch the ribbon, but I was looking in his direction, which meant Indigo was in my view. I watched her flinch the moment Grayson raised his hand.

And it wasn't just any flinch, like Nyx tried to pass off as her being easily frightened. A scare like that would've made her jump. But the little girl had recoiled, deep brown eyes focused on Grayson's hand. She shrank back as if expecting to be hit. The memory tormented my thoughts, even though it happened recently. Seeing the fear in Indigo's eyes awakened something in my chest.

Seeking to control my burgeoning rage, I left the house, heading to the backyard. The last thing we needed was for me to go on a rampage, demanding to know why Indigo was petrified. The pool glistened underneath the sunlight and I contemplated on taking a dip. It would help cool me down.

I heard the sound of ripping cardboard and I assumed Oliver, Zeke, Jasper and Sebastian went back to work. The last time I saw Grayson, he was pacing the hallway. I knew he had a soft spot for Indigo as she reminded him of somebody. And the thought of hurting her was killing him.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Nyx cursed as she elbowed through the backdoor and, on instinct, I moved to hide behind the wall. She was running her hands through her hair in turmoil, the blonde strands becoming messy. "You shouldn't have brought her here, you absolute idiot!" There was nobody else around, and it was quite clear she was speaking to herself.

She ambled towards the edge of the pool and sank to her knees, angrily splashing at the water with her hands. I would've laughed if the situation wasn't severe. I stepped out of my hiding place and said, "you and Nailea didn't sleep together, did you?" Nyx was smart, and I knew she'd catch onto what I was implying.

Judging by the way her eyes narrowed as she pushed to her feet, I knew I had her. "Why?" She angled her head to the side, reminding me of a puppy. "Were you expecting an invitation?" Her chest was rising and falling at a rapid pace, and I suspected her thoughts were running a mile a minute.

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