12| Beckham

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For some reason, I knew I shouldn't have shown up at the club tonight. It was a gut feeling, but when everyone else claimed to be busy, I knew I couldn't disappoint Jasper. He'd been pining for Stefan for months now, and this was his opening. So I agreed. And now I regretted my decision.

"Sorry!" Nailea drunkenly blurted, both hands pressed to her mouth as she gawked at the humongous beer stain on my white shirt. An acting career was out of the question for her because she was sniggering whilst simultaneously trying to look remorseful. "I tripped." The lie was evident, and I growled, pulling at the now sticky material of my shirt. This was payback at its finest. She was doing it for Nyx.

"You threw it at me," I informed her, and she laughed louder. Just a few seconds ago, I watched Nailea dash towards me before she flung the entire cup at me, snickering as it spilt on me. I didn't have a spare shirt, and I was rather glad that Nailea gave me an excuse to go home. As I was about to step away from her, I halted. "How are you getting home?"

She was unmistakably drunk out of her mind and in no state to drive. "Hitching a ride back to the dorms," she countered, sulking because I probably didn't give her the pissed off reaction she was anticipating. She'd done me a favour.

I nodded, rotating on my heel and shifting through the crowd to get to the toilet. Once I was there, I hauled off the shirt, groaning as the beer dribbled from it. With an annoyed sigh, I hurled the entire shirt into the trashcan. Tipping over the counter, I splattered my face with some water, soaking a paper towel into it to wipe at my sticky chest. Beer trickled from my tattoos, and I wiped it away. After I was done, I travelled to the exit, reminding myself to text Jasper that I was leaving. The latter had spent the past few hours with Stefan, so he certainly didn't need me around.

The cheers grew more strident, and I frowned, querying who decided to get naked this time. Just earlier, some guy shed his clothes like a snake and flashed everyone his dick. He got thrown out, and he ran away without his clothes. I wouldn't be astounded if he ended up getting arrested. I faltered slightly when somebody fell on me.

Before I could force them away, Jasper stated, "man, it's Melissa."

A scowl emerged on my face without me even trying. I hadn't expected her to be at the club tonight, but there she was. It had taken me over an hour before I was bored out of my mind, and Melissa took her chances. After I sent her away when Nyx appeared, I didn't see her again. I assumed that she and her friends left.

"And I'm supposed to care why?" I queried rhetorically as I trailed the path to the exit. People were gawking at my bare chest, probably expecting to get a second naked show. Well, they were going to be severely disappointed - because I was leaving.

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