Bonus Chapter 2| Cassie

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Unlikeable. That old hag really had the guts to tell me I was unlikeable? I scoffed. All I wanted was to go for a quick swim since the car ride was suffocating. She'd asked me if I wouldn't prefer helping my brother unpack. When I responded that Percy had hands attached to his arms and not tits, she went on to lecture me.

"I literally fucking hate you," I seethed underneath my breath, glaring holes into my brother's stupid face after listening to what he had to say. He didn't say anything, just let me release my anger. When he tried to walk away, I gripped his sweater and yanked him back. "I'm not having dinner with that monster."

The monster I was speaking about was none other than Nancy Blythe, a woman who'd been at war with me since I was six years old. She despised me and I had no idea why. Okay, I knew why. But I was eighteen years old, for fuck's sake. I was no longer the mouthy little girl I used to be. Okay, maybe I was. Just a little. Maybe a lot. Fine, I was still the same. But didn't this bitch get tired of beefing with me? It had been twelve years already.

Percy gently pried my hands from his sweater and clutched my shoulders, leaning down slightly until he could stare into my eyes. I hated that his gentle stare calmed me down, probably because he had the eyes of our mom. "Look, you can finish your meal in like what, ten minutes? Five if you gobble it all," I scowled at him, "then you can be on your merry way. This is one dinner, Cassie. I'm sure you can handle it."

Shrugging out of his hold, I began to pace the length of my hotel room. "The first of many dinners for the next threemonths, asshole!" I exclaimed in frustration, quelling the urge to stomp my foot like a child. "You didn't tell me we'd have to eat with them. I thought I could take my meals in my room!" It was one of the only reasons I agreed to come on the stupid trip. Nancy and William Blythe wasn't the best couple around, and I wrongly assumed that they were separated. At least, that was what I'd overhead from Percy.

Unlikeable. Why did she even want me at the table if she hated me? Why did she allow my brother to bring me? Percy watched me throw a mild tantrum, gaze sympathetic. I wanted to punch him in the face. Dinner every night with Nancy for the next three months sounded like an absolute nightmare.

After a few seconds of silence, Percy expressed, "I'm sorry." His apology made me stop my mumbling and I turned to look at him, pulling a weird face. "I know, it's all my fault. I'm the reason you're here instead of spending the summer break with your-"

"How the fuck am I supposed to be mad at you when you're like this?" I questioned rhetorically, seeing a smile tug on his thin lips. Sometimes, all I wanted was for him to be an asshole of a brother, so I could detest him like every other girl in a coming of age film. In the beginning, he was a little bit of a pain in the ass, but once he hit eighteen, he transformed. At twenty-one, he was the most precious person alive.

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