7| Nyx

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"The fight for the Grandslam Gauntlet has officially begun!" Benson's voice boomed across the locker room. The entire team, including me, had been given leave from classes today, just because it was their first day of proper training. They needed to get into the swing of things.

Twenty men sat before Benson, each one listening intently. I leaned against the wall, eying everyone. They were all serious, dead-set on winning this year to make up for their last loss. I didn't necessarily have high hopes at first, but after last week, watching Benson interacting with his team, I decided they had a pretty good chance.

Benson had dropped his egotistical attitude slightly and was constantly reading from the files I gave him. The boys were on their best behaviour around me, and I knew it was because Coach had spoken to them. Beckham hadn't spoken to me in the past week unless absolutely necessary - and I wasn't complaining. My only focus right now was helping this team win. I owed it to the school because it was because of this job that I could pay off my family's debts and perhaps finally make that big move.

"We have our first match on Sunday at our very own rink," Benson continued. A home game. It made it easier for our supporters to surround us. "Dean Waverly informed me there are three other matches this week, including the volleyball, football and baseball teams taking place on Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, respectively." He turned to me. "Any word on their fundraisers?"

I nodded, feeling everyone's eyes on me - except Beckham's. "The volleyball girls hosted a car wash last week so their first fundraiser is done and dusted. The football team is hosting a karaoke night tonight, and the baseball team has a drive-in movie night planned for Friday," I stated, reading from the mental list I made. "With our first match on Sunday, I say we host our fundraiser on Saturday, seeing as the baseball game is an away game. Only some students will leave to support and we'll have everyone else here."

Benson thought about it for a second. His eyes found mine, a wary look present there. "We have ten matches, Taylor, which means ten fundraisers. Can you handle it?"

"We have ten matches, Benson, which means being prepared for ten matches. Can you handle it?" I shot back, and he released an amused chuckle. The sound of shuffling feet met my ears, and I watched Benson lead the team towards the ice. The third group was allowed to go home, considering they rarely received ice time during games and were only playing hockey for fun. Groups two and one contained the serious players, the ones who could very well see themselves being drafted into the NHL.

I sat in the front row, placing my backpack next to me as I took out my notepad. Ten fundraisers was a lot. Dean Waverly gave me a budget, as she did with the coaches of the other teams as well. The challenge was to throw amazing fundraisers, raise money for charities, build hype for matches and ensure everyone had a great time. I definitely had my work cut out for me. But I always loved a challenge.

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