23| Nyx

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If you'd told me a few weeks ago that one day I'd be on my way to have supper with Beckham Hunt's parents, I would've punched you in the throat. Then removed your windpipe, used it as a flute and played a tune as I tapdanced on your grave. Okay, that was a little dramatic, but I was freaking out. Never would I have thought that I'd ever meet Beckham's parents. The closest I'd gotten to it was that onetime I daydreamed I murdered Beckham and they came to my execution as I paid for my crimes. Of course, I didn't know what they looked like, so my brain filled in the blanks.

Not even when Beckham and I were somewhat together, did I ever imagine meeting his parents. That was a milestone of sorts, I didn't want to reach it. It meant things were getting serious, and that scared me. If I already didn't want to label us, imagine how I would've felt about meeting his parents.

His mom looked painstakingly familiar, and I couldn't place my finger on it. It was only when Beckham drove me home I realised she was one half of the couple that always had breakfast at the cafe. I'd never spoken to them before, but passed them on my way to pick up Indigo all the time.

Dolores, she acquainted herself as - Lola for short. She looked youthful, with creamlike skin and a great sense of style. I'd been so immersed in my stupor that I barely paid attention when she said she'd meet us back at her home in a little while for supper. Girlfriend. She thought I was Beckham's girlfriend. Indigo had a merry laugh about it on the way back home.

Beckham waited in the kitchen as I went to my room to change. I made him promise that he'd clarify things with his parents at the supper. Having dinner with a friend was fine, but I was in no way taking it further than that. Halfway through my panic attack on what to wear, Annie arrived home with Poppy.

"Try the blue dress," Poppy pointed to the one I pitched onto the floor. Her skin was tinged red with her activities at practice, making it appear as if she had a disastrous sunburn. She was still wearing her uniform, too excited about my so-called date to go and change or even look at the new kneepads I bought her. "It matches your eyes."

Indigo sat at the edge of my bed, a bag of candy in her lap, provided for her by Beckham. "No, she should wear the silvery slip dress," she shook her head, bouncing with enthusiasm. Annie was going to have her hands full with her tonight. "It matches Hammy's eyes."

Poppy did a double-take, gawking at Indigo. "Hammy?"

I disregarded them as Indigo frantically told her sister all about her adventures at the mall. Although, her version of events was completely exaggerated compared to what actually happened. The two consumed candy as I fretted about what to wear. Eventually, I settled on the blue dress, because it was informal, and paired it with white sneakers. To make up for my lack of silver, Indigo planted a silver heart necklace around me to equal Beckham's eyes. I left the two sugar-high kids in my room and went to Annie, who was talking to Beckham.

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