Part 29 - Reunion: 1

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In Seoul, all the guys' cars were driving on their way back to their house. One by one, the cars had rolled up to the boys shared home, about 20 minutes apart from each other.

First to arrive, was Hobi and Harley, the sunshine couple. Hobi led her to the front door and unlocked it, opening it for her to step inside first. She gasped at the interior of the hallway she was standing in. Hobi took her hand and led her over to a sofa so they could sit down and get comfortable. He put the TV on and Harley slowly relaxed into the seat as Hobi put arm around her shoulder on the back of the sofa.

20 minutes later, they heard a car roll up then a minute later, there were keys in the door before it opened and coming into the room were Taehyung and Ashleigh. Harley turned around and screamed instantly when she lay her eyes on, her best friend, Ashleigh! She jumped off the sofa and practically tackled Ashleigh, making her lose her balance but Taehyung caught her in time. Hobi watched Harley jump up and run over to the girl, not knowing who she was. He had a confused look on his face and he looked at Taehyung, hoping he knew what was going on, but he just shrugged and smiled at them.


"HEY, TAEHYUNG . HOW ARE YOU, BRO?" Hobi said shouting at Taehyung making him laugh.

"Hey, sunshine! How have you been? I've missed you so much too!" Ash shouted back at Harley as they were still hugging each other.

"So, I take it you two know each other then?" Hobi said still sitting on the sofa.

"Yup, we were a group of 6 girls who came to Seoul on a vacation to relax and get away from work for a few months. We're actually staying in an air bnb whilst we are here. Today, we had decided to go shopping and somehow we all managed to bump into our biases, like myself and Ash here. Literally, one by one, we had broke away from our little group of besties and just prayed that we would find a way to get back together again." Harley explained to the boys, leading Ashleigh over to the sofa to sit down and Ashleigh nodded in agreement.

"Wow, well I'm happy to have met this beauty today." Taehyung said winking at Ashleigh making Harley squeal happily. "And I can't wait to meet the rest of your friends."

"You're gonna love them! Trust me." Harley said excitedly. Taehyung smiled back at her and sat down next to Ashleigh, holding her hand.

"Woah... Hold up... What's going on here? I see hand holding..." Harley said winking at the couple across from her.

Taehyung and Ash both blushed at her friend. He looked at her and squeezed her hand for her to tell Harley. She understood and told her.

"We... Umm... We're dating... After I told a chick about herself, Taehyung over here was impressed and asked me to be his girlfriend" Ashleigh explained to the couple.

"I KNEW IT! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU! OMG! Look here Mr. Kim Taehyung, if you ever make this beautiful girl, cry I'm coming for you and not only me but the rest of the girls too. You'll probably look at them and think they're harmless... But you'll be proven wrong. Do you hear me?" Harley said looking intently at him.

Hobi sat there watching her and the others across from him. He was surprised but happy that she was the way she is. She's such a loving and good friend and a perfect girlfriend for him. Taehyung listened to every word she said and looked a bit scared. Ash looked at him and giggled a bit.

"Don't worry babe, I know you'll never hurt me in any way, but she's right about the girls. You'll see when they come in." she said reassuring him and kissed his cheek making him smile.

The 2 couples heard another car rolling in the drive way and the doors slamming shut. Next thing they knew the door was being opened then closed. Namjoon had walked in the room with a girl and a plant. The girls instantly knew who she was leaving the guys to look at each other smiling because they knew what was coming next.

Oh, hey guys. This is..." Namjoon started saying before both Ashleigh and Harley got up and ran towards Anja engulfing their small besties in a huge, loving hug.


Namjoon stood there dumbfounded, looking at the guys.

"They know each other." Hobi said giggling at the girls and Namjoon nodded in understanding. He placed his plant down on the table before going to sit down on one of the many sofas in the living room. The girls released Anja from their embrace before they went to sit down next to their partners.

"Let me guess. He's snapped you up too?" Harley asked as she watched the way Anja snuggled up to Namjoon.

Namjoon looked at her shocked that she had already knew and Hobi just laughed at his expression.

"Hobi, how did she know? Is she a mind reader or something?" Namjoon asked looking at the couple. Anja giggled and explained to him that they're best friends and what Harley had already told the other two.

"Ohh, I see. Well, it's nice to meet the two of you. I hope we can become friends and get to know each other better." Namjoon said before smiling his dimpled smile that Anja absolutely loved so much. Harley and Ashleigh watched their best friend, they were happy to see her happy.

"Like I said to Taehyung, you hurt my bestie and we're gonna have a few words, Namjoon." Harley said giving Namjoon a stern look. He replied by saying

"I would never hurt her. I promise. She's the most perfect woman I have ever met and I don't intend to let her go either." giving Anja a back hug and kiss on top of her head.

Harley and Ash squealed with happiness and the guys smiled at them. The three couples sat there talking amongst themselves.

Suddenly they heard a car, pulling in the drive way. Who could that be? The girls looked at each other wondering which one of their besties they were going to be reuinted with next.

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