Part 47

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In Jungkook's room, both him and Eyah were still fast asleep in bed. Somehow during the night, Jungkook had managed to climb on top of Eyah and bury his face in her chest. He didn't known that he was in this position so when he opened his eyes slightly and saw how he was laying down, he looked up at Eyah and smiled. His girl was still here with him and didn't leave in the middle of the night.

He hugged her a bit tighter and breathed in her scent. This might just be his new favourite smell and he's sensitive to scents but her's is just right. Ahhhh!

About 10 minutes later, Eyah began to shuffle around in her sleep. Her eyes will still closed as she tried to sit up in the bed, slowly realising that she couldn't. She rubbed her eyes, to get rid of the sleepiness and looked down to see what exactly was weighing her body down. She looked down to see Jungkook clinging to her.

"Awww... How cute do you look there?" she coo'd as she ran her fingers through his soft, messy hair.

This had made Jungkook smile in his sleep and he held her even tighter. She continued to do this for another 5 minutes before she felt the urge to use the toilet, so she tapped his head gently and said,

"Jungkook, can you let go, please? I need to use the bathroom, I gotta pee."

Jungkook kinda heard what she said and mumbled a "5 more minutes, babe" as he tried to get comfortable again.

Eyah closed her eyes and took a deep breath before saying,

"Jeon Jungkook, if you don't get off of me in the next minute, I'm gonna throw you on the damn floor. Now move, please."

Jungkook groaned before complying with her request and releasing her from his grasp as he got up and rolled over to the side of the bed.

"Thanks, babe!" Eyah said as she rushed over to the bathroom.

While she was in the bathroom, Jungkook decided to pretend to go back to sleep. He pulled the covers half back over his body and closed his eyes, listening out for the when the door to the bathroom would open. A minute later the door, opened.

Eyah came out and saw that Jungkook had pulled the blanket over his body.

"Jungkook, have you gone back to sleep?" she asked as she came over to the side of the bed he was laying on.

Jungkook didn't respond and continued to pretend to be sleeping. Eyah decided she was gonna do something cheeky... She got on the bed and then sat on top of Jungkook, next, she pinched his nose and waited to see how long it would take before he reacted. He didn't react for a quite a while which surprised her.

Next thing she knew, she was being flipped over and was now laying down on the bed with Jungkook hovering over her.

"WTF?! You move fast! And how do you hold your breath for so long?" she asked shocked.

Jungkook, who was now on top, just winked at her.

"I spend a lot of time at the swimming pool, so I use that time to practice holding my breath under water." he said.

Eyah nodded in acknowledgement.

"So, are you gonna get off me now? We gotta get dressed and go downstairs to have breakfast soon." she said

"Mmm, we could do that... Or..." Jungkook said but then trailed off as he began to place sweet kisses all over her face.

"I can tell you wanna stay here all day but I gotta go back home  with my girls" Eyah replied as she ran her fingers through his hair.

Jungkook gave her a kiss on her lips, before looking her in the eyes with a pout on his face.

"Don't look at me like that, haha. We could always come back and visit you guys." she said giggling at him.

"But I don't want you to just visit us. I want you to stay with me and live here." he said giving her puppy dog eyes.

Eyah caressed his cheek with her hand before pecking his lips.
"How about this? We get dressed for the day and go downstairs to eat then bring it up with the rest of the group and see what they say? Sound good?" she asked.

Jungkook thought about what she said and eventually, he agreed to it. "Fine" he said before giving her one last kiss and getting off of her.

"I'm gonna go shower now. I'll be right back!" he said as he removed his shirt and waltzed his way over to the bathroom.

Eyah got up and made the bed whilst he was washing up and got her clothes out of the wardrobe. She placed them on the end of the bed before grabbing her phone to check her social media accounts and for any messages. She had a text message from Archel saying she and Dig had to go back to London because a family issue had arisen. Sammy had also texted her with her new number saying that she had to go back to London because she also had a family emergency that required her to be there. They would be flying out this morning and Eyah made a mental note to let the other girls know.

She had just put her phone as Jungkook had emerged from the bathroom. He came out with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"All done, babe" he said smiling at her happily.

She smiled back before grabbing her clothes and making her way into the bathroom.

Eyah removed her clothes and hopped into the shower, giving her body a nice refreshing clean. Once she was done, she dried her skin, allied cream then got dressed into the clothes she wore here. She applied some light makeup to her face before leaving the bathroom to spray herself with some perfume. Jungkook had finished getting dressed and applying some cologne to his skin. Eyah put her shoes on and Jungkook did the same before he picked her up and spun her around then placed her down on the ground again then gave her a few kisses.

"How did I get so lucky to bump in to a girl like you?" he giggled, showing his bunny smile.

"I dunno, but I'm glad we met, JK. I hope we stay together for a long time" she said rubbing his cheek with her hand.

"Me too" he replied looking deeply into her eyes with a smile.
"Let's go get some breakfast" he said as he pulled her with him out of the room before closing the door behind him and heading downstairs.

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