Part 38

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Yoongi walked with Magda to his bedroom. He unlocked the door and turned on the lights before he placed her gently on the bed before going to close the door.

 He unlocked the door and turned on the lights before he placed her gently on the bed before going to close the door

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Just as he closed the door, Magda had stirred in her sleep and woken up.

"Oh hey, Yoongi." Magda said sitting up on his bed.

"Hey, I placed you on my bed as you'll be spending the night here. I'll let you borrow some of my clothes to sleep  in tonight. You can change in the bathroom, just over there. All of us have ensuite bathrooms so you don't have to worry about bumping into the others." he explained as she was now sat on the edge of the bed taking her shoes off.

"Ahh, thank you, Yoongi." she said smiling at him, making him blush.

"You're really pretty. I'm so glad it was you who I met in the music shop." he said before making his way over to his chest of drawers to get her some clothes to wear. He decided that one of his t-shirts would be best, based on her petite frame. He grabbed a t-shirt and walked back over to Magda to hand her the shirt.

"Thank you, I'll just pop in the bathroom and change. I won't be long." she said taking the shirt and heading to room to change.

Yoongi changed in his room then put his phone on charge before sitting on the bed waiting for Magda to come back

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Yoongi changed in his room then put his phone on charge before sitting on the bed waiting for Magda to come back. She had finished changing and her hair was up in a bun. She looked so cute in his t-shirt, as was oversized and practically swallowed her up. He giggled but she heard it.

"What?" she said smiling with her dress folded neatly in her hands.

"Oh, it's nothing. Let me get you a hanger so you don't crumple your dress." he said standing up and walking over to the wardrobe to grab a hanger for her. She put her dress on the hanger and he placed it on his wardrobe door before leading her to sit on the bed. He turned on the TV in his room as background noise.

"Do you have a skin care routine you do before you sleep?" Magda asked him.

"I usually just do a face mask. Would you like to do one with me?" he replied.

"Yes, please. I do them almost every night but I do have a nightly skin care routine. Gotta keep this little dumpling face soft and squishy" she said poking her cheek.

Yoongi laughed at how cute she was. He touched her face to get an idea of how soft her skin really was.

"Wow. You have really soft, clear skin. Let me get those masks." he said getting up to grab them. He came back over and gave one to Magda. "Here you go"

"Thank you." she said taking the mask and opening the packet before carefully unfolding it to place it on her face. Yoongi did the same before placing the empty packets in the bin. He came back and sat down next to her as they watched TV.

Once the face masks were ready to be taken off, the took them off the rubbed the excess moisture into their skin before Yoongi got up again and discarded them in the bin.

"Is it okay if I sleep on the bed with you?" Magda asked him.

"Of course, it's alright. Come on. I promise I won't touch you unless you say so." Yoongi said climbing under the covers and holding the blanket open for her as she climbed in the bed next to him. She snuggled up next to him as they both lay in bed watching the TV.

Not before long, Magda was starting to fall asleep and lay her head down on the pillow, gently drifting off into a sweet sleep. Yoongi stroked her head before whispering "Sweet dreams, baby dumpling."
10 minutes later, Yoongi felt his eyes getting heavy and was starting to fall asleep, so he got up to turn the lights off before getting back in bed and laying down next to her falling asleep, leaving the TV on knowing it would turn off during the night.

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