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Allen could see himself laughing around a bonfire with eight other boys, a smile present on his face like never before

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Allen could see himself laughing around a bonfire with eight other boys, a smile present on his face like never before.

He could feel the joy radiating off of him with the help of these eight boys, it's as if they were helping him find his path to happiness, helping him find his smile, a feeling he was unfortunately never able to experience.

Were these eight boys the key to finally be happy once and for all? To experience the freedom he never possessed in the beginning?

Allen opened his eyes, completely pulled out from his dream world, but remembering every single detail from that dream such as the events that happened to the clothes he wore in the dream.

He sat silently in his car as his driver drove through the dark night.

Allen fidgeted with a bracelet securing a red stone, still thinking about the dream he just dreamt of. Questions swirled in his mind, and he tried his best to keep up with them.

Are we fate?
Who were those boys anyways?
What was that dream supposed to mean?
Is that dream going to be my future reality?
Will I finally be free and happy?
Will my smile be found for the very first time?

Allen massaged his head as the questions continued to rage through his mind, and he couldn't come up with any proper answers to any of them.

Allen sighed and stared out the window into the deep night that plunged the city in darkness, the only sources of light being the street lamps scattered across the road, hoping that the peaceful darkness would help him think.

As he was starting to space out, two familiar figures walking down the deserted streets caught Allen's eye, causing him to perk up, almost hitting his head on the car ceiling in the process.

The two boys outside looked quite familiar to Allen for some reason. He feels like he's seen them before.

They look so happy...

Allen observed the smiles on the two boys' faces as they chatted with each other while continuing to walk forwards, playfully hitting each other as well.

Allen envied their happiness. Their smiles. He wanted to feel like being happy was an easy achievement to achieve. He wanted to be able to feel a smile on his face, the feeling of both corners of his lips pulling upwards as he displayed his teeth.

It was until the two boys were almost out of Allen's sight when a lightbulb went off in his brain. That's when he realized where he saw them before.

They were in his dream. Those two boys were among the eight boys that surrounded Allen in his dream world, two sources of his future happiness.

Eyes widening, Allen immediately grabbed the driver's seat to speak with his driver.

"Hey, could you please stop real quick?" Allen politely asked, his leg bouncing quickly as he anticipated a response.

The driver didn't say anything but obliged to Allen's request, stopping at a random stoplight that happened to be nearby.

Allen silently thanked his driver before opening the car door and stepping out quickly, attempting to get a glimpse of those two boys he saw passing by through the window earlier.

And there he saw them. Well, kind of. He only saw the backs of them before the figures shrunk, getting smaller and smaller, until Allen lost sight of them in the darkness around them.

Eyes still fixed onto the path he last saw the two boys, he couldn't help but let his thoughts absorb him again.

He'll most likely see those two boys again. He didn't know why, but he had a feeling that he would.

That's what he hoped at least.

Maybe he'll find his smile soon.

Without any other word, Allen returned to the inside of his car and signaling the driver to continue driving, his thoughts at ease.

Getting sleepier and more deprived of energy, Allen eventually fell asleep during the ride, his dreams consuming him as his car drove off into the night, blending in with the peaceful darkness.

Little did Allen know that his dreams will slowly start to become a reality.
(a/n): 697 words

wow, this wins as the shortest chapter in the entire story
allen chapter...shortest one...ha...


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