Alucard nsfw Alphabet - E, F, M, W, Y,

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E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)

Alucard isn't very experienced when you came along

- Maybe 1 or 2 partners, nothing that was too serious tho

- But his lack of experience doesn't mean he can't learn fast

- Once your relationship is established he is set on wanting to make sure he makes you feel just as good as you make him feel

- So yes, once the ball is rolling it's safe to say with each round you do he gets to know your body just a little more

F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)

Anything that'd allow him to look you in the eyes

- Loves when your legs are wrapped around his waist or even on his shoulders

- Holding your hands, pushed over your head or even while you're riding him

- Bottom line boy likes to have full view of your face

M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)

- Lingerie

- Honestly if you put on a sexy/ cute little lacy number this boy will be yours!

- Don't have any other plans because he won't let you go for the rest of the night 😉

- Also being cutely suggestive/ playing innocent

- Lingering touches on his thigh during dinner or sitting next him

- bending over in front of him

- looking at him while you lick your lips or fingers after eating, especially if eating something semi phallic in shape

- Making him squirm while in public just sparks something in him and you'll be in for it when y'all get home

W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)

Once when you and the gang were out on a mission, there was a night of the trip where you'd gotten particularly frisky and you two did it quietly in your cot while Trevor and Sypha were asleep on the other side of the room

- Alucard did slow powerful pumps into you, his head buried in your neck leaving love bites along your shoulder and neck. Your hand clamped over your mouth to muffle the gasps and moans coming from your throat. Kissing up you Alucard replaces your hand with his mouth, drinking in your sweet sounds of pleasure. His large hands roaming up and down your frame, praising you between kisses.

- "You're so perfect. The way you squeeze around me, holding me in. It's absolutely intoxicating." You softly moan his name. Taking your hands in his, pressing his forehead on yours. "Shhh. As much as I love to hear your voice you wouldn't want to wake the others up, Kitten."

- Let's just say the next morning was filled with many bashful and sly looks between you two at the breakfast table.

Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)

Before you came along his sex drive was average - a little below average

- But once you came along it went up a bit, unclear if it's because the opportunity is more available or because you awoken something inside him

- Even still it's nothing crazy

- If asked, a preferred amount of sex would be maybe 2-3 times aweek (4+ if really sexually frustrated but that isn't often)

- Does like to have sex to let off a bit if he is really stressed but often times he'll just masturbate if it comes to that, especially if you aren't in the mood to have sex  


Hope ya enjoyed that

If you have any requests I'd love to hear it :3

💛 ~

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