Alucard nsfw Alphabet - A,L,U,C,R,D

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Since the new season of Castlevania has come out, though I've yet to watch it, I've been wanting to write for it. Which means my bb Alucard :3

Fandom: Castlevania 

Pairing: Alucard x GN! Reader

Letters: A,L,U,C,R,D 

Warning: 18+ NSFW 

Enjoy ~


A = Aftercare (What they're like after sex)

- King!

- Makes sure you're comfy and satisfied, whether you did it fast or slow he always checks

- Depending on the night you may just lay in his arms with your head on his chest as he racks his fingers in your hair 

- Sometimes he may run you two a warm bath where he holds and washes you

- Will grab anything you need, be it a warm washcloth or glass of water this babe gots it

- 10/10 aftercare

L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)

- Prefers your bedroom where its most comfortable 

- But isn't against doing it in his office or out in the forest 

- Likes sex/sexual acts to be done in more private settings, so anything too public would be a no-go. Unless he is really in need 😉

U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)

- He can be a bit of a tease however this boy enjoys being teased as well

- Baby is a switch 

- Can go either way, being the teaser or the teasie is fine with him

- However he has to be in a certain mood to really go at you with teasing

- So its mostly just light teasing 

- "You look so cute when you blush."

- "You like it when I kiss you there?"

- "Come, sit on my lap. I want to play with you." 😏

C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically... I'm a disgusting person)

- Will always ask you what would make you most comfortable 

- But if he had to choose

- His brain says to pull out and cum on your belly/back, especially if with a partner that can get pregnant 

- But his heart wants to cum inside you, it makes him feel the closest he can be with you and the romantic in him craves that

R = Risk - (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)

- Experimenting? Yes.

- Risky behavior like you getting hurt? No.

- Knows that sex isn't just a bonding activity, knows that it's also supposed to be fun and exciting

- Always down to listen and talk about your fantasies or just ideas you've thought about maybe trying

D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)

- Something that makes him quite embarrassed is once while you were apart for a while he had masturbated to an image of you 

- Once he was finished, his seed painting his fist and a bit on the picture he sighed in mild shame at his desperation 

- But he'd be lying if he said that looking into your eyes as he climaxed was what he needed

- And that certainly wasn't the only time he's done it 🤫


Phew it feels nice to post something again

It was kinda short but I hope ya'll enjoyed it :3 If there are any more Alphabet HCs, SFW or NSFW, you want to see let me know

Till next time my lovelies 💛 ~

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