Trevor Belmont nsfw Alphabet - T,R,E,V,O

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This is my first time writing for Trevor so I hope my headcanons are more or less true to his character. If not whatever this is just for fun lol

Enjoy ~


T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)

I'm speaking for this one in a modern AU

- I think Trevor would be open to a toy or two

- Definitely would own and use a pocket-pussy, especially while on the road away from you

- I feel he usually only uses a toy for personal use rather than with a partner, kinda takes pride in making his partner cum w/o a toy tbh

- Though if he had to choose he could get into using some restraints on his partner or a leash/collar - would like to hold it while fucking you from behind or pulling you up when facing eachother

R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)

Experimenting = Adventure

- Kinda digs public/semi-public sex

- Likes the idea that anyone could see you being a mess for his cock

- But not if y'all are on a mission and you two could be caught in a dangerous situation - tho he has thought about it before (danger is sexy right?!?)

E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)


- Now it's not like he's bedded half the world's population or anything

- However if you were to ask him for a guess he'd say maybe between 10 - 15 people

- Most being night worker while he's on the road and a few short flings here and there

- But overall he more so thinks he know what he's doing

- Sometimes his cockiness (pun totally intended ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) can get the best of him, thinking that because he's been with so many he knows what you'll like

- You just need to knock him down a peg

- But if you show or say what you like he's good at following for the most part

- More than anything his somewhat know-it-all about sex attitude could get in the way in the beginning

V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)

He has some volume

- Now people can't hear him from across town or anything

- But he is a moaner and groaner

- And lots of dirty talk/praise, boy can talk!

- Starts out quieter with huffs and soft moans but as time progresses it can build

- It also depends what y'all are partaking in

- If he is receiving head, he is pretty relaxed enjoying the view and feeling of it all that he will let out drawn out moans

- When having sex it starts the same as well but the finish can get quite loud sometimes

- Some nights he may climax relativity quiet with groan and others he may be singing words of praise

- So either hope the walls aren't made of paper or get used to a comment or two from the other sometimes after a night of excitement

O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)

Prefers receiving oral

- Likes to stroke your cheeks and hair as you're sucking him off whilst he praises you

"Ah~ Baby girl/boy, you're so good to me. Just like that."

However when feeling particularly dominant or pent up he can be more aggressive and more or less face fuck you.

"You like it when I use your throat, huh."

- "I love it when you choke on my cock."

This is not to say he wouldn't go down on you, all you have to do is ask if he hasn't done it

- TBH, not that he'd say it outloud, Trevor isn't the most confident in his oral abilities

- His hands, yes

- But oral? Not so much.

- More so due to the lack of experience especially because most of his partners were either paid or short term sex buddies where he didn't have the time/didn't take the time to try and master it.


This was kinda short but I hope you enjoyed it :3

Want more? Let me know. 

Till next time 

💛 ~

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