Alucard nsfw Alphabet - G,I,O,S,T

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Heres some more Adrian wink wonk HCs

Warning(s): NSFW 18+

Enjoy ~


G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)

Can go both ways

- There have been playful moments, especially spur of the moment moments say in the forest Head full of thoughts with the goings on in that forest 

- But in true sweet boy fashion he does, unintentionally, become very serious when it comes to making love

- Though in these passionate trysts there has been a few misshapes such as; you almost falling off him or knocking your heads together and even the classic hitting the headboard

- In these less than sexy moments you both just can't help but share a laugh which inadvertently makes it better

- When things like that happen he doesn't let it get to him, this was admittedly harder in the beginning where he wanted to be "perfect" for you but learned to enjoy these funny happenings especially because he gets to see you smile ok i'll shut up before i go too deep with this xD

I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect...)

Do I even need to answer this one? No? Well I'll do it anyway.

- This boy is sensual as fuck

Always wanting make sure you are getting everything you need &/or desire from the experience

- Praises your body while touching and kissing you all over

- Of course he has his wild animalistic moments but overall this man is probably an 8 on the romantic/sensual scale, cuz there is always still room for more and he definitely does have a more to give 😉

O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)

Enjoys receiving but our sweet boy is definitely a giver

- Loves to pleasure you and make you reach your high

- He is very observant, especially in the beginning of your sexual relationship, learning how your body reacts and listening to what you do and don't like

- Also very skilled with his hands might I add 👀

- While being on the receiving expect to hear him let out a few praises here and there

"You are doing so good Darling."

- "I love seeing those beautiful eyes when you have my cock in your mouth."

S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last...)

Depends on the day

- Can on average go at least 2 rounds

- The most y'all had gone was about 5-6 rounds in one night that's max

- The first round tends to be the longest since boy puts work into that four play - four play usually is at least 20-30 mins long or more

- Active sex greatly depends on the mood of the night but at least 15 mins of penetrative sex

- Usually about a 5 min break between rounds where he regroups and makes sure your ok, will get anything if you need it

- The longest single session y'all have had was about an hour and a half - thats sex + fourplay

T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)

Again I'm gonna write this in more of a modern AU bc idk about toys back in the day lol

- But yes, I do think Alucard would own a toy or two

- Nothing too crazy I do think he'd like using a vibrater on you or even watching you use one on yourself

- On himself perhaps a cockring or even a prostate stimulator/ strap on

- He would have some restraints stuffed in the back of his drawer 🤫

- Is open to the idea of more if you're interested


Hope ya enjoyed that if you want more let me know the letter and character :)

Till next time 

💛 ~

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