Star Gazing - Alucard x GN! Reader

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I started this maybe about a month back and finally finished it. IDK if it's my best but thats okay.

Word count: 1,289 words 

Warnings: Friends to Lovers, 16+, A little steamy, Kissing, Caressing, Suggestions of intercourse, Possibly inaccurate star facts, & Bad star joke

Enjoy ~


It's a brisk summer night. You and Alucard are laying out on a large blanket under the stars. Side by side, your hands are folded on your chest as you listen to the soft baritone of his voice. He became a professor giving an unprompted lesson on constellations and you, a willing pupil. As you listen, a smile tugs at the corner of your lips.

"And that there is Gemini." His arm extends directing your vision.

"Wonder why it's named that." You say to yourself but the blonde is quick with a response.

"Well the word Gemini is Latin for twins. The reason it's named that is because the two brightest stars are named after the twins Castor and Pollux from Greek and Roman mythology. When Castor was killed in battle, Pollux pleaded with Zeus to bring him back. So the two were changed into the constellation so they could be together for all eternity."

"That's really beautiful." You turn your head to face him. Unknowingly, he mirrors the movement. Your eyes lock.

"Yeah, it is." He says with a small smile. The moon light illuminates his face, casting light shadows over his golden eyes. A moment passes before he clears his throat and returns his gaze to the sky to continue but your eyes stay on him.

"Oh um and if you shift your gaze over just a bit you'll see Orion." His redirection makes you chuckle softly.

"Wow, you really know your stars."

"Well when I was younger I was fascinated by them. Any chance I got I'd ask my mother to read about them and look for them with me. She never once deterred me either, she always valued knowledge." The sentiment is followed by a half-hearted laugh.

"She sounds like a beautiful woman."

"Yeah, she really was." His words trailed off. The subtle down shift in his eyes makes your heart squeeze.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

"No, there's no need. It's good to recall those memories." Looking at the sky the silence between you grew again. Changing the subject Alucard glances over to you with a side grin. "Do you want to know why Orion's Belt is the best part of the constellation?" He asks, clearly trying to bring the mood back up.

Letting out a breathy chuckle you shake your head, "I don't know, why?" You muse.

"Because anything else would just be a waist of space." You couldn't help but snort.

"Okay, that was horrible."

"Perhaps, but it still got a laugh out of you." He nudges your side.

Both smiling, you turn towards each other again. With your laughter subsiding you notice your faces are closer than they've ever been before. Your mouth, still holding traces of a smile. "Yeah, I guess it did." Your words come out in a hushed tone. As if you were worried of breaking whatever was growing between you. Looking at his lips then back to his eyes, unconsciously wetting your's with your tongue.

A gust of wind that carries the sound of rustling leaves and crickets fills the air around you. A loose strand of his golden locks tickles your cheek.

Your faces, as if on their own, move closer. You can feel his breath on your lips. The sensation was enough to make you melt. Oh how you've wanted to melt against him. Become putty in his hands, allow him to mold you to fit him. His body. His hands. His lips. You wanted all of it. All of him. Now your noses are almost touching. His mouth, just one hot breath away.

But you're not moving.

Neither of you are.

This uncharted territory between you holds fear. Fear of rejection. Fear of possibly losing the friendship you've been cultivating this past year.

What if there's no spark and what you had is ruined? But what if it's not? What if it becomes greater? The risk is scary and exhilarating. For months you've wanted to test these boundaries but have been too much of a wuss to try. Perhaps Alucard feels the same. He is just as unmoving as you are. You've seen the way he looks at you when he thinks you're not looking. How he observes you while you're reading or smiles when he hears you humming as you cook.

At the time it all seemed harmless. Platonic. But now, now he is laid next to you breathing the same air. So close that you're afraid he can hear your heart about to beat out your chest. Hear you swallow as you try to sooth your dry throat. Or even the voice in your head screaming at you to finally make a move. But before you could rip the bandaid off yourself you felt the sweet sensation of his lips on yours.

Your body moves on its own, leaving you behind with your thoughts.

He's kissing you! And you're kissing back. Hard! Like you might die if your lips part, as if the oxygen in his lungs is what you need to survive. Your fingers tangle in his hair, needing to be closer. Needing more of his taste. Your tongue dancing with his, the flavor of wine still lingers in his mouth.

The moment of your bodies melting together comes to a halt when you finally pull back for air. His back flat to the ground as your chest lays half way on his. A large hand rests tangled in the strands at the nape of your neck as the other holds firmly on the leg that is draped over his waist.

There is silence once again.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me." He says. Though his retreating words contradict the lust in his eyes and his unmoving limbs. Gazing into his eyes, the ones you've dreamt about for countless nights, you cup his cheek.

"Don't apologize." Your fingers lightly touch his lips. His eyes flutter as the contact. "I've been waiting for you to do that for longer than I can bother to remember."

His grip on your thigh tightens at your confession, pulling you fully over his lap. In one swift motion he sits up. His knees bent to support your weight, holding you close. Looking up into your eyes he then leans in and places a kiss on your neck, your breath catches in your throat. Littering a trail of wet kisses up to your cheek to finally meet your lips your hands hold his face as your tongues explore each other's mouths.

His hands roam over your body wondering if there's a way to hold you closer than you already are. Without breaking your heated kiss Alucard lifts you to rest your back on the blanket. Your legs encircle his torso as he rests against your body. His hips softly grinding against yours. A soft gasp leaves your lips as he goes back to your neck, lightly nipping and sucking at the soft flesh.

The once crisp night air feels hot and humid. You want nothing more than to strip yourselves of the clothes between you and finally connect as one. To feel his powerful body take you to oblivion. To be held by the man you've been wanting for so long. It almost feels too good to be true and maybe it was at this moment because he pulls away. Catching his breath. Chest heaving, lips swollen and eyes filled to the brim with desire.

"We should go back inside." He says. Everything inside you wants to protest and you can sense the same from him but perhaps this was enough for one night. Tonight was just a taste of what is to come and you surely will enjoy savoring every second of it.


Hope that was enjoyable.

Let know if you have any ideas I'm always open to them :3

Till next time 💛 ~

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