Help me (a/n)

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This is important if you wanna know why I'm taking a break please read

Please know that I might say something that might trigger a reaction


Not eating
Not sleeping
Lack of motivation

Thank you guys of you do read 🍪

I'm seriously lacking motivation
And I can't think of shit to write

And my life over at my house is getting fucked yo cuz of my sister and her boyfriend

I'm getting stressed out with that shit I mean my friend almost got hit by them same with me

So I'm not in the best prostitution to update a lot and the motivation to write is gone

I have nothing to right about all I wanna die is just go bye bye

And it's taking a fucking messing with my mental health

And I want to write but idk what to write about, can't think of jack shit, if I did I would find a time were I could write

I'm sorry if I'm disappointing you but I'm trying my hardest over here with my sister and her boyfriend with my mental health decreasing and I have to go to the doctors more cuz of issues

And my dad is not doing well and he's all over the place and him getting upset with me

I just rlly don't have the time do this stuff I want to

I want to please you and writing makes me happy

I'm not even getting sleep hardly eating it's just so fucked up

I'm not making excuses why I'm not writing

But shit rn is so ducking stressful, but it will help alot of you could write stuff to take my mind of everything when I have the chance

I would be very thankful and I'm sorry

That I won't be able to post as much as I want

And know I fucking love you guys, you make my day seeing comments and us having a conversation

I just a need a break al little try and get ideas to write

And know that I'm not making up to not write I want to write

Cuz I love it and seeing you comment about just make me happy and there's hardly anything for me to be happy about

And if you need someone to talk to friend me on discord I'm here I will try my best to help you

Discord- HIGH (•~•)#9021

And I'm sorry again but make sure you guys take care of yourself

I care for you guys, your my little cookies

If you need someone I'm still here I'm not planning to go just yet

I love you guys with all my heart 💜

And o try to post something tomorrow after my doctors appointment

Word count 461

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