Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Andy's POV

I can't believe that Tyler let Kristen bribe him to get into the party.  He used to be such a good kid and now he was accepting bribes for sex?

"Stop thinking about what Tyler did Andy."  Damon said from behind me as he held me under the covers.  I could feel his whole naked body pressed against mine and it was practically radiating heat.  Yes Damon and I had just completed the final step in the Mating ritual and it was magical.  There was no reason for me to worry about hurting him anymore and nothing could ever come in the way of our relationship. 

"I know I just hate to see that our wolves are that easily manipulated." I said sadly as I turned to face Damon.  He kissed me deeply and passionately before pulling back and resting his forehead against mine. 

"Baby girl, it was only a party and Tyler is an unmated male who is probably overly hormonal okay?  It won't happen again, now go to sleep, I have to quit my job tomorrow and you get to go to school!"  He said and I punched his chest, hard, but he just laughed it off.  He is quitting the gym teacher job so he can spend more time with the pack and my father to learn fighting skills and also how to run the pack. 

I am so proud that he has finally turned and is starting his life anew with me.  I smile at the thought of waking up to him every morning and getting to make love every night.  Yes every night, because wolves have heightened everything, senses, strength, emotions, and mental abilities, therefore werewolves are more hormonal and therefore sleep with their mates almost every night. 

"I love you" I heard Damon say from in front of me.  I smiled a goofy smile and replied "Love doesn't even begin to cover what I feel for you, but for now I love you too."  I said and he crashed his lips to mine and we kissed like it was our last, our fist, and our only.  It was filled with all of our emotions and love for each other.  When we broke away Damon wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me so that there was absolutely no space in between our bodies and I rested me head in the crook of his arm.  I fell asleep to the sound of his slowly beating heart and the feel of his newly defined and added on muscles against my body.

(Damon's POV)

I woke up before the alarm clock went off with Andy in my arms.  If I could wake up like this every day I would be the happiest man alive.   Now that I am bound to her in almost every way possible there is still one missing.  I want to get married to her too, but I want to wait until after we go to the Grammys, and yes I said we.  She invited me as her plus one guest and I am excited to go somewhere and show Andy off as my girl. 

She stirred and I remembered last night, my first shift and the pain.  It felt like my body was being ripped apart, my bones were cracking and my skin was being stretched, but I didn't cry or scream and I think it was because Andy was talking to me the whole time, telling me it would be okay, touching me and sending those tingles up my body.  She is perfect and all mine.  I smiled to myself and shifted a little pulling her closer to me so our entire bodies were touching.  She sighed in her sleep and I smirked.  The tingles were there, but I was used to them now, they didn't come of as much as a shock or distraction.  Suddenly the alarm went off and I reached across Andy as fast I could and brought my hand down hard on the snooze button affectively smashing it into pieces.  Andy said I would have to get used to my new strength and senses. 

She laughed from her spot next to me and turned so we were facing.  My breath caught in my throat when I looked at her with my new eyes again.  Her flawless tan skin, those beautiful silver eyes, the long and gorgeous chocolate color hair falling over her shoulders in soft waves didn't cease to amaze me.  I smiled at the thought again that she was mine and no other man would ever get the pleasure of waking up to such a powerful, smart, beautiful, woman.  I felt her lean in closer to me and put her head in the crook of my neck.  I breathed in her hair deeply which smells like marshmallows, mango, and the forest.  I have noticed most werewolves smell a little like the forest, but vampires smell like snow.  I know you are probably saying how does someone smell like snow, but if you sniff outside on a day after it has snowed you will know what I mean.  Everyone has their own scent mixed in though too, like Torie.  She smells like vanilla and woods, Steph smells like cherries and woods, Adam smells like mint and woods, well I think you get what I mean. 

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