Chapter 6

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Picture of Damon and Andy!---------------------------->

Chapter 6

(Andy's POV)

When we got to the hotel I quickly turned off the car and got out.  I saw Damon trip and I rushed over to catch him.  I caught him in a dip position similar to when dancing.  "Shouldn't I be the one getting dipped or has dancing evolved since the last time I danced?"  I asked playfully. 

"Well it depends on the last time you went ballroom dancing." Damon replied as I stood him easily on his feet.  I sat pretending to think of the last time I went dancing, I decided to play with him. 

"Well I did go to a ball in 1817, I think that was the last time."  I said with a perfectly straight face as both Damon's and Steph's mouths dropped.  I hid my smile as Damon choked on air and I burst out laughing and they looked at me with a shocked face.  "Guys! Really?  I am only 18! Come on! You are so gullible! First with the fire and now with my age! Gosh!"  I said chuckling.  Steph playfully slapped my arm and I laughed.  Damon pushed my shoulder then wrapped his arm around them as we walked to the front of the hotel chuckling and talking.  When we walked in I made sure to keep my jacket together to cover the blood stains; I had already wiped up my face. 

We walked in to a nearly empty lobby of the Ritz Carlton.  The large chandelier over the center of the lobby and everything was made of a beige marble.  The staircase and all medal and trim work was gold and beautiful.  I pulled them to the front desk where a young woman about 25 years old was sitting twirling her ugly red hair in her spray tanned fingers.  Her hair was a dull red-orange color, so unlike the beautiful deep red of Steph's hair.   She was reading a magazine and slightly twirling in her spinney chair.  I loudly rang the bell sitting on the granite counter with a brochure stack saying "Stay at the Ritz Carlton and make everyday a happy day!"

I almost snorted at the cheesy saying and turned back to the girl who was now openly staring at me with her mouth open.  I waved my hand in front of her face and she blinked a few times before looking down at her magazine which I now realized was open to an article about me and my father.  One picture was of me on stage and the other was of me and my father hugging. 

"Can I see that?" I asked her.  She nodded and robotically handed me the magazine.  She was still staring at me.  I looked down and quickly scanned the two page spread.  Nothing bad was said, just that my father and I have a great relationship and we are extremely close. I smiled and a sharpie was thrust into my line of vision. 

"Can you sign this for me?  You are like my idol!! I tried getting tickets to your concert tonight, but they were sold out in less than 10 minutes" she pouted.  I frowned, but signed the magazine handing it back to her and giving a fake smile.  I forgot about my concert.  I will call and say I have food poisoning or something.  I am too tired to perform and I just want to go to sleep.  My father has a room already, but I haven't booked anything for myself. 

"Thank you for being a fan!  I would like to book a suite if you have one." I stated as I looked down at her. 

"How many rooms would you like in the suite?" the lady asked and Damon answered her quickly.

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