Chapter 18

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I am soooooo sorry for the late upload and I'm also sorry for it being so short!  I have had a lot of family troubles and also sliced my finger open so I haven't been able to type...

Love all my fans!




Chapter 18

(Damon’s POV)

“I feel kind of tingly.”  I say as I stand next to Andy on stage.  I start to lose control of my body as I fall to my knees.

“Damon!” Andy yells as she grabs me and keeps me from falling on my face.  I start to shiver and shake as I look out at the crowd.  They all look excited as does Andy and her family.  Kurt looks worried, but Dani is speaking in his ear and I strain to hear her.

“He’s getting his power now, this is normal.  The magic is taking over his body so his wolf is trying to fight it, but the magic will win and he will get his power.”  She finishes and I whimper.  Andy has me on her lap and is rubbing circles on my back as well as wiping the sweat off my forehead.  I could feel the magic seeping through my veins.  It didn’t hurt, but it wasn’t comfortable.  Andy kissed my forehead and I focused on her lips and the feel of them against my skin.  I tilted my head back so I could touch my lips to hers.  She eagerly kissed back and I felt the fire of the passion in my lips.  It was like my whole body was on fire and my heart was beating rapidly in my chest.  Even though this wasn’t a full on make out session, this lingering kiss made my body thrum with love and excitement.  She pulls back and smiles at me, her eyes radiant as she places her forehead against mine.

I felt the uncomfortable feeling of the magic recede and I stop shaking.  “You should feel the presence of your magic, like an extra muscle Damon.  You need to access it and focus on it; that’s how you will discover your power.” Andy assures me and I smile at her while she steps back and I do as she says.  I understand what she is saying about it being like an extra muscle, it’s weird to explain, but it feels powerful. 

I start to feel the magic flow through me and I look at Andy, waiting for something to happen before she screams and arches her back in pain.  I instantly let go of my power and sped to her side.  She fell to the ground and whimpered before curling up in a ball. 

“Andy I am so sorry” I cried before touching her arm.  She jerked away before turning to look at me with something I had never seen in her eyes before, fear.  “No, no, no Andy I won’t hurt you! I promise! I didn’t know that would happen I am so sorry! I’m so stupid!”  I yelled at myself as I punched the floor. I hurt my mate, the love of my life, the only one who means anything to me and she is too afraid of me to ever love me again.  I buried my face in my hands and took in a deep shaky breath before I felt someone touch my hands and pull away my fingers.  I knew who it was instantly due to the sparks I felt with her touch.  I looked at her through my eyelashes and saw Andy looking at me from her knees with concern covering her features. 

“Don’t ever think I will ever leave you!”  She angrily shouted at me.  “We will work to control this, I learned to control every single one of my powers and now we can learn to control this together.  I have no clue how it works, I’m just confused about it.  I have never heard of a power like that and how it felt… I felt like every bone in my body was being melted, it was the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life.  It was… excruciating and I forgive you.  It wasn’t your fault.”  She reached up and stroked my cheek.  I leaned in to her touch and savored the feel before placing a kiss on the palm of her hand.  I realized everyone was still standing around us and a lot of them looked scared.  We were a force to be reckoned with.  Both Andy and I can cause extreme pain just by looking at someone.  I shiver at the thought of someone messing with us before she slowly lifts me up and kisses my forehead.  I sigh and think this is just the beginning. 

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