5. Fight

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Priya stirred from her slumber, noticing the absence of her friend Armaan beside her

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Priya stirred from her slumber, noticing the absence of her friend Armaan beside her. As she went about her morning routine and joined her parents in the living room, she learned that Armaan had ventured out for a shopping trip with his friends, leaving her feeling a twinge of disappointment. Consumed by boredom, she idly scrolled through Instagram while her mind wandered to the plans she had made with Armaan for a shopping excursion of their own. However, her thoughts were interrupted by the persistent ringing of the doorbell, signaling Armaan's return. Ignoring his incessant calls, Priya finally relented and opened the door to find Armaan accompanied by his friends, their faces etched with excitement. As Armaan bombarded her with questions, oblivious to her deliberate silence, Priya found herself drawn to one of his friends, Kim min kyu, who introduced himself with a charming smile. Engaging in small talk, Priya felt a flutter of curiosity about this new acquaintance, but her intrigue quickly turned to shock when Kim min kyu boldly expressed his desire to date her. Before she could respond, Armaan's jealousy erupted into a violent outburst as he lashed out at his friend, leaving Priya stunned by the sudden escalation of emotions. Amidst the chaos, she struggled to comprehend Armaan's actions and tend to the injured friend, grappling with conflicting feelings of loyalty and confusion. Later that night, as Priya lay in bed nursing both physical discomfort from her menstrual cycle and emotional turmoil from the day's events, Armaan entered her room, offering solace in the form of a comforting embrace. Despite her desire to address the underlying tension, Priya found herself succumbing to the temporary respite of Armaan's presence, suppressing her questions in favor of momentary peace. Yet, as she drifted into restless sleep, her mind remained haunted by the unanswered questions that lingered beneath the surface of their friendship.

After all the drama, Priya couldn't stop feeling uneasy. Even though Armaan hugged her, she still had lots of questions swirling in her head. She couldn't sleep because she kept thinking about what happened. Her tummy hurt from her period, and it made her feel even worse. Armaan's sudden anger made her realize that maybe she didn't know him as well as she thought. She wondered why he got so jealous and if there was more to their friendship than she knew. Plus, she couldn't shake off Kim min kyu's confession. Was it just to make Armaan mad, or did he really mean it?

Priya felt torn between wanting to talk to Armaan and being scared of what she might find out. She wanted to know the truth but was afraid of ruining their friendship. It was like she was stuck between a rock and a hard place. She lay in bed, feeling lost and unsure of what to do next. But deep down, she knew she couldn't ignore her feelings forever.

As the night dragged on, Priya thought about all the possibilities. She wanted to confront Armaan and clear the air, but she was worried about what might happen. Still, she couldn't shake off the feeling that she needed to know the truth, no matter what.

As the first light of dawn peeked through her window, Priya felt a glimmer of hope. She knew the road ahead wouldn't be easy, but she also knew she wasn't alone. With courage and determination, she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep, ready to face whatever challenges the new day would bring.

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