Masks (TXT HueningKai imagine)

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Hi everyone! I'm back with new imagines! I hope I didn't make you wait for a long time~

This book is already full, I need your help. Should I start new and fresh book or fill this one up and post personal requests? Waiting for an answers! And now let's get to this imagine...


"Lockdown? What?" Taehyun said lifting his eyes up from the phone

"Yes! No school! Wanna have a sleepover this Friday?" Soobin asked sitting on the desk in front of you

"Of course~ Can you guys imagine, we won't have school for 2 weeks!" You said and all of you started discussing about your plans for a lockdown

In class walked your boyfriend and his smile lit up his beautiful face

"Hyuka!" You reached for his face and pecked his lips. Rest of the guys looked at you two with disgusted faces

"Did you hear about the lockdown? No school for two weeks!" HueningKai said sitting next to you

"It's kinda sad that only two weeks..." Beomgyu said making you all laugh

"Beomgyu! Isn't two weeks enough for you?"


The first week of quarantine started and you called your friends through Zoom. You all talked for hours and hours till it was time to start online school. School started to get tough and you only had time to "see" each other on the weekends or at the evenings. But you and HueningKai were together and at the same time apart from each other every single day. Till...

It was few busiest weeks till school ended. Whenever Kai texted, you promised to text him back later and vice versa

"I will text you after an hour! Love you!"


You noticed your mood slowly changing into darker and each day you felt exhausted. But today you got a link to meeting with your friends. You chuckled and sat behind your laptop

All of you said hi to each other but HueningKai didn't say anything to you. Whole meeting in the back of your head kept on popping up questions like, what happened to him? Why is he ignoring only you? You didn't even fight

The meeting ended and you grabbed your phone. Quickly typed millions of questions to your boyfriend, asking why is he so cold? But...didn't send any if them

You saw that HueningKai was online but you didn't get any text from him like you used to. Your latest text was still left on delivered. You felt your eyes watering and your emotions all mixed up. You were angry, sad and disappointed in yourself for not daring to text him. Your own boyfriend.

Summer started. No one made big plans of meeting and your phone was silent whole June. You found new hobbies which distracted you from your unofficial break up with HueningKai.

But today while cooking you got a message from the person you waited the most

You started squeaking and screaming while running around the kitchen. You couldn't wait to meet him and talk everything out.


After many months of not being able to, you finally sat in the restaurant while waiting for Kai. You saw him walking towards you and noticed how he changed. His hair was cut short and dyed in lighter tones. You jumped from your seat and wrapped your arms around his neck while he held you tightly and burried his face on your neck

"I missed you..." He whispered and you let him go. You gently kissed Kai and felt familiar feeling, you craved for so long.

You both sat down and ordered your favorite meal. All the time Kai held your hand and rubbed top of it. You talked about all the months of quarantine and how school was. Kai chuckled at your jokes but you noticed that something was wrong

"My dad lost his job and I'm leaving next week" He said and your smile dropped together with his

"What? You mean you're leaving because of his job? When you will be back?" You asked and he looked at you

"We're going back to China. I won't be back Y/N" He said and you felt your heart beating way faster

"Why? Can't he just work there for a while and come back here? Kai, we wanted to study together at the same college, even live together, what will O do without you?" You lightly panicked and he sat closer to you. You leaned on his chest and started to cry. Like always he comforted you and felt his heart breaking more than ever

When you calmed down HueningKai explained his situation and why he couldn't stay like he wanted.

After finishing lunch you both left the restaurant and went to your favorite park. Like always it was full of people but you found your favorite bench which was still empty. Kai held you tight in his arms as you talked about each other. You promised each other to constantly talk and keep one another updated on your daily basis but you both knew that it won't be the same, there will be no hugs, no matching outfits, no cuddles, no warmth...

It was time to go, you didn't want to leave each other but you had no choice. Kai like always took you home and kissed you for the last time.

"Just don't throw away my hoodies" He said with a smile and you chuckled

"How could I? And you- don't leave our photo albums and accessories behind" You said and he nodded. Kai didn't want to see you hurting anymore and after hugging you for the last time, left

"Screw quarantine and screw this summer" You said while wiping your tears away and turned around going back into your house

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