Ahn siblings (Cravity Seongmin imagine)

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Today you were alone until your brother Seongmin came back from filming. After he debuted you rarely saw each other but whenever he had time he came back home to see you. You both were extremely close, of course you had days when you fought a lot but that happened rarely.

It was evening. You didn't make anything to eat and both of you were too lazy to make something so decided to just order some pizza. While waiting for it you went in your bedroom and Seongmin went to take a shower. You just rolled around the bed and looked at your phone. After about 20 minutes he stormed in your room and started to annoy you

"Sis~ let's watch some movie when we will get pizza" He said and jumped on your bed

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"Sis~ let's watch some movie when we will get pizza" He said and jumped on your bed

"Okay, but do you have something in your mind?" You asked and he thought for a bit

"A horror movie" He dramatically gasped making you to laugh

"Really? Seongmin you will pee your pants and I don't want you screaming in my ears" You said and rolled your eyes. He grabbed your arm and started to lightly shake you while whining

"Oh come on, let's just find not a scary one" He said and took your laptop. He searched for some movie while you went to take the pizza

After you came back you saw him in living room already setting everything up. You put the pizza on table and sat next to him. He turned on the movie and you started to watch it while eating

At first it was kinda boring but after about 15 minutes first scary scene came on making Seongmin to jump and scream. He choked on his pizza and you started to laugh

"Bitch, help me!" He said still coughing and you pushed a drink closer to him. You two continued to watch a film and you only went to bed at past midnight

You were tired and fell asleep as soon as you layed down in your bed. After few minutes you heard your door opening. That gave you chills all over your body. You were afraid to turn around till you heard your brother's voice

"Can we sleep together tonight?" He asked making you to chuckle. He started whining to not make fun of him and sat on your bed. You turned to him and nodded. Seongmin layed behind you and got comfortable. You decided to be a brat for a bit and tease him

"Seongmin..." You said lifting your head up. He looked at you and asked what happened

"Look there..." You said pointing at the corner of your room. From that you earned a pillow to your head

"Seriously Y/N! I fucking hate you! Shut up!" He shouted and kicked you. For that you pushed him out of bed and he fell on the floor

"Kick me once again and I will kick you out of the house for demons to get your ass" You said and he layed back in the bed

"You started it first" He still whined and you just ignored him. After about 10 minutes of talking you both fell asleep

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